Five Years of DKC Atlas

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Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby Qyzbud » February 13th, 2013, 3:04 pm

Today marks the fifth anniversary of DKC Atlas; my humble tribute to the Donkey Kong Country games.

I'm glad to see our forum bubbling away like never before with the new 'chat' feature, and it's always wonderful to see so many great fan projects are in the works.

The mapping project is again going strong after a hiatus; we've just added the last of DKC3's level terrains to the collection, so every single level is now available to explore! Most of DKC2 and 3's maps are in need of much work still, so check back often to see what's new. The level info pages are beginning to gain momentum again, too, with new level summaries being written up by members of the community. :)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to making the Atlas special; we aren't an enormous community, but we are a talented, creative and passionate one!

Let's make this year even more impressive than the last!

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Re: Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2013, 2:23 pm

With all the talent that is available here Qyzbud, your proposal is going to be a challenge! That being said, when I saw the announcement today, I had a sudden spasm of emotional discomfort for the site. I felt proud to be one of the Atlas members, to be around such talent and intellect, and to know the greatness that is the DKC Atlas. Qyzbud, you have done a fine job maintaing this site, and so have you, Simion32.

Simion32, besides your dedicated and unselfish devotion in maintaining the peace and tranquility of this site, you yourself have a project up your sleeve. In fact, that project is so large, it is up your entire attire! I thank you for working on that for so many years.

Phyreburnz, your artwork litters the entire Atlas, and your sprites have opened new doorways for dilletantes such as myself. I cannot begin to thank you enough for your excellent and masterful hand in the arts.

Mattrizzle, your Rush of the Bosses hack for all three DKC games is phenomenal. I myself have not tried it yet, and I feel so ashamed to not have honored myself by doing so. However, you do more than just make extraordinary boss sequences. Apparently, you are also of mattress royalty, so I am told, and you have also noted many bugs in various programs, such as Simion32's DKCRE and LB.

Markster, your love of Cream sparked an engaging coversation not only between the two of us, but also with other Atlas members. You too have made some of your own games, which fascinates me. Even though, like with Mattrizzle, I haven't played them, I still admire your entrepreneurship.

Mrs. Qyzbud, thank you, my dear madame, for keeping Qyzbud in the best of spirits so that he would have the energy to maintain the running of this site. Although I don't know what your methods are, or even if you're Qyzbud's wife or not, I shall nevertheless salute you, Malady Sublime, for assisting him.

Katastrophe Kong, thank you for writing those three forum game stories with me. Your sense of literary analysis and humor brought the whole subforum to life and provided plenty of entertainment for the Atlas masses.

Tiptup Jr., thank you for being honest. Honestly, I do not honestly know you or how honest you can be, but I can honestly say with honest pride, you are an honestly honest man. Honestly.

DKCPlayer, thank you for making awesome videos, such as your DKC Bloopers, and for recommending this wonderful website. Without you, I truthfully would not be here today. I wish that I could speak to you someday.

To All Other Atlas Members Who Have Done Remarkable Feats, I thank you all for continuing to return to the DKC Atlas and make it what it is today. I am sorry that I cannot recognize you all here personally, but know this, I appreciate you all!

If I am unable to ever witness the beauty and strength of the Atlas again, let this letter of appreciation be my final word.

Happy 5th Birthday DKC Atlas!
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby Phyreburnz » February 14th, 2013, 2:56 pm

D'awe! Super Luigi, that was super nice of you! I'm always glad to see your posts, because you always have something super funny in them! Where would we be without our own, personal comedian! :lol:

I'm super glad that I found the Atlas a few years ago. It's like a second home... err, well... virtual home at least! I always love to look through all the projects and see what everybody posts. I check the forum compulsively daily, even though I may not actually log in.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby EvangeliKong » February 15th, 2013, 4:21 am

Congratulations, DKC Atlas! The Nicer version of DK Vine!
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Re: Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby Qyzbud » February 15th, 2013, 3:06 pm

I don't tend to like drawing that comparison, but I suppose it's somewhat unavoidable. :P

Thinking back, I believe I only started this forum so that people could give me feedback on the site (and tell me how awesome my maps were... :lol: ), but I'm so glad that we've become a real community, and a hub for DKC discussions and projects. :)
Atlas Author
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Re: Five Years of DKC Atlas

Postby Tonberry2000 » June 10th, 2013, 1:18 am

Kong-grats, guys! (hehe)
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