Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

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Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Markster » March 1st, 2013, 8:37 am

Half-Baked garbage.
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Raccoon Sam » March 3rd, 2013, 10:36 pm

Sounds fantastic, but was this thread really necessary? I mean, yet?
You could at least list some of these assembly changes you're doing to make so we get some idea what you're after. How are you going to do the custom tilesets?
Good luck either way :kiddywin:
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Markster » March 4th, 2013, 2:10 am

I am reserving it for the future, heck, I might work on it now, but I can't use DKCRE on a piece of crap PC with 512MB of RAM.

Maybe if I run it on 640x480.

I said POSSIBLY custom tilesets, which means I will try to figure it out, I would like to import some DKC2 or 3 tilesets into DKC1 for the hack, for the ASM I will be using XKAS 0.6 custom build with ExHiROM support, I'm hoping I can expand DKC to 6MB or 8MB, I'm still thinking of what ASM patches to use, I will attempt to make custom objects in the new ExHiROM banks, like custom level warps, maybe custom barrels, etc., for the worlds I'm going to be creating 5 worlds, one of which is Gang-Plank Galleon, not the one from the 2nd Donkey Kong Country, but just a custom ship world named after the final boss of Donkey Kong Country 1, and I know for a fact that custom objects are possible, because Mattrizzle done it, it won't be easy.

The computer I'm using is awful.
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Simion32 » March 4th, 2013, 5:25 am

Hey Markster. After I'm done with DKCRE v0.0.6.9 you'll be able to run it even on a clunker. ;)
Seriously, the improvements are already showing. It's several orders of magnitude faster.

and yeah, this topic is almost pointless until you show some progress. You have like what, 10 project topics like this?
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Markster » March 4th, 2013, 7:13 am

Is there any way you can move them all into one topic?
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby martster50 » April 14th, 2013, 2:53 am

Markster wrote:I'm planning to make a BIG Donkey Kong Country 1 hack, it's called Ultimate Donkey Kong Country!

The hack is going to have 5 new worlds, custom ASM codes and maybe objects, custom palettes, possibly custom tilesets, etc.

I'll begin once I get my good computer repaired in March.
I appreciate the news and keep us updated when it is released, i appreciate it and all your hard work, cant wait until it comes out . Thanks. :D
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby martster50 » April 14th, 2013, 2:55 am

Cant wait until its done, all your hard work is most definetly appreciated. Let us know as soon as its done. Thanks. :D
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Re: Ultimate Donkey Kong Country

Postby Markster » April 14th, 2013, 3:12 am

I will, and welcome to DKC Atlas.

By the way, I've got a better PC now, but it's not much better than the last PC I used, but it's okay.
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