Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

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Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

Postby Qyzbud » August 17th, 2012, 2:49 pm

A few small, but noteworthy additions to the posting toolbar today:

Firstly, I've added a [s] button to the toolbar, which makes it easier to add a strikethrough effect to your text. This technique has been available for a while, but there was no button for it. Now, on with the main announcement - starting with something that has been requested a few times in the past... a YouTube video embed tag!

YouTube video embed tag:

Just wrap a YouTube video ID* in YouTube tags like so:
*(not the whole URL, just the unique characters at/near the end)


...and it will become:

Highly recommended fan-made DKC2 rap music video - must see! :funky:

The embedded video dimensions are 224*299, which should be pretty much ideal for SNES video (224p).

Note: You can alternatively use [yt]XIed0kUh57w[/yt], which does the same thing, but is quicker to type.

Subtle text tag:

If you want to write a little note that doesn't need to be as strong/obvious as regular text, try the Subtle tag:

[Subtle]Subtle text[/Subtle]

...which will look like this:

Subtle text

Snip quoted text tag:

Sometimes you only want to quote a few words from someone's post, but it's often good to indicate that you're only quoting a snippet of what was said. This tag is for when the original post included more text either side of your quote.

[snip]quoted snippet[/snip]

will become:

[...]quoted snippet[...]

or, within quote tags:

[quote][snip]quoted snippet[/snip][/quote]

will become:

[...]quoted snippet[...]

Those are today's new forum features - let me know what you think! :swanky:
Atlas Author
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Re: Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 24th, 2012, 2:37 am

In the video, the hairy guy calls Bramble Blast, Bramble Scramble. :facepalm:
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Re: Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

Postby Blaziken257 » October 20th, 2012, 10:38 am

Not to be nitpicky, but I noticed a typo in the tooltip of the YouTube tag:

"Embed a YouTube video by wrapping it's video code (*NOT* the entire URL!) in this tag"

That "it's" should be "its". I always notice it when the word is misspelled...
Treasure Hunter
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Re: Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

Postby Qyzbud » October 20th, 2012, 1:06 pm

How embarrassment. :facepalm:

Thanks for pointing that out!

Atlas Author
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Re: Another DKC Let's Play!

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 11:31 pm

if I embed a youtube video from my channel do I still get the views to that video on my channel?
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Re: Forum BBCodes added: [YouTube], [Subtle] and [snip]!

Postby Qyzbud » February 24th, 2013, 7:52 am

As far as I know, yes; when a user plays an embedded video, that video's view count will be incremented on YouTube. I don't think this is the case for videos set to 'autoplay', but this forum doesn't allow autoplay videos anyway.
Atlas Author
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