Why I hate Twilight Princess

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Why I hate Twilight Princess

Postby Ninni973 » October 24th, 2011, 9:50 am

OK, here is my second "Why I Hate" topic. Please don't hate me if it offends you.

Twilight Princess is my LEAST favorite Zelda game of all time, the other being Majora's Mask. So I'll explain why it's gay and stupid.

1. Link looks stupid. It's probably the realistic graphics, but Link looks stupid and gay. In the beginning of the game, you wear Ordan Clothes, which makes Link look even more gayer. It even makes Link's butt big! Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!

2. Midna... The gayest Zelda character to date. 3 words: Midna. Looks. Gay. Why didn't the developers come up with someone else?!!? She's just gay looking and... I can't explain it. She just looks gay!

3. Annoying Kakariko Village theme song. It's just stupid and annoying. Even more annoying than Navi! I can't help but think "Blah blah blah blah!". Couldn't the developers just keep the Ocarina of Time Kakariko Village theme? f--- this song. Don't listen to it, even on GilvaSunner's (who is a YouTube user who uploads video game music) channel.

4. More complaints I found: The game's TOO easy. I read on the Skyward Sword trailer on YouTube that Twilight Princess is TOO easy. It was hard for me, I can't even get past Snowpeak! Stupid developers were rushed, I guess.

5. The Gorons look like morons! (That rhymes!) The Gorons look like mean morons unlike the nice looking Gorons from Ocarina of Time. They also hate humans! And the Gorons were much nicer in Ocarina of Time! That makes me wanna cry! :cry:

6. The Zoras look gay! They look more like women now, but they look gay! The Zoras looked much better in Ocarina of Time! I just can't take the gayness anymore!

7. Wolf Link... Most idiotic transformation ever! Stupid Wolf Link, trying to scare people off! IT'S STUPID!!!! And even the most gayass Zelda character, Midna rides on him! He just looks stupid! My husky, Duke, is much cuter than Wolf Link!!

8. The realistic graphics, as I explained on "Why I hate Brawl". The effing realistic graphics trying to make people happy!! Instead, it's effing effing stupid and I effing effing hate it!! Cel-shaded graphics are much better!!
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Re: Why I hate Twilight Princess

Postby Markster » October 24th, 2011, 10:47 am

Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are not the worst zelda games, I love them, try the Zelda Cdi games and you will see what is the worst zelda game.
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Re: Why I hate Twilight Princess

Postby Simion32 » October 24th, 2011, 11:08 am


Another Flame Bait topic, I didn't know this was you intent, to continually bash every game in existence you don't like. Locked and thrown in the trash.
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