As you will read below, you are never creating objects in DKCRE, only editing what already exists using existing data in its native format.WAZ__Up wrote:Im sitting here trying to figure out exactly what is the difference between DKCRE and DKCLB. you're moving around bananas and creating them (and other objects it seems) in your DKCRE, then at the same time, wouldnt creating objects and things technically be building a level?
Indeed they likely would... however, the DKCLB and DELTA Game Engine will take far longer to construct than DKCRE will. The reason I'm doing DKCRE at this time is that it is the "pioneer", if you will, where all of the ROM data needed to build DKCLB is uncovered and understood.WAZ__Up wrote:But if you're already making a level builder that goes much beyond anything DKCRE can do, wouldn't everybody just want to use the super awesome level builder instead of just the rom editor?
Well, I was considering including that feature in DKCRE as well as DKCLB, but it's not going to be in this version (a little too complicated for the v0060 release).Scraps69 wrote:Does this happen to smooth out terrain or was that the DKLB that does this?
Ah, don't worry. I have this all on a dedicated 320GB HDD and I can make disc backups at will. It's about time I did another one, just to be sure.Scraps69 wrote:Back this up somewhere on the internet as a private download as it would be a shame for you to lose this in a crash after all the progress!
The DKCLB will have a similar interface, but it won't have to deal with the ROM limitations, so a few things will be different.WAZ__Up wrote:Are all your features that are in the DKCRE also avaliable in the DKCLB, such as the duel frame animations and the object panel? Your DKCRE is turning out so nicely, i would just like to see these features on the DKCLB aswell.
Well, I can't sell it, otherwise I'd get sued and the entire project would be a flop.WAZ__Up wrote:Edit: so after about 3-4 years of working on these 2 programs, I'm suprised you wouldn't be attempting to sell it.
That's on purpose. That particular Barrel Cannon is defined as follows (there's no line break in the INI file, that's just so you can read it all):WAZ__Up wrote:Edit2: one of your barrel cannons is a little glitched in the "barrel cannons...Where to?" pic...
Don't worry, those are on the previous full backup from last year (this was before NitroGUI had reached a usable state). I can always burn another DVD to back up the Game Art Gallery again.Cyclone wrote:Does that disc back up include the images I sent you? I probably won't have time to resend them.
I'm not exactly sure how long it will take. I've got College to deal with simultaneously, so things may randomly get delayed.Cyclone wrote:when is the next version going to be released? In a month or longer? Can't wait to see all the stuff you've added.
Simion32 wrote:Don't worry, I'm working on it as fast as possible without getting myself burnt out.
While v0060 doesn't exactly preport to be the end-all to DKC editing, later versions will definitely be on par with Lunar Magic — it will more than likely become the "Lunar Magic" equivalent for Donkey Kong Country.DKCplayer wrote:DKCRE reminds me of Lunar Magic in a way.
Actually, no. Objects in DKC can be moved off the top of the screen area (but not bottom or left/right). The editor display was designed so that you can modify off-the-top-of-the-screen objects, which DKEdit will not do.DKCplayer wrote:Also, I've noticed that there's an off-screen Kritter (above the Dual Cache preview). Were you in the middle of dragging it while you took a screenshot?
Simion32 wrote:If you can't drag an object past some area in DKCRE, the object basically sticks to the invisible wall while you're dragging, and will refuse to go out of bounds.
It was a pain to figure out at first because the entire Camera Map behaves like a linked-together list of items, not separate objects.DKCplayer wrote:I imagined camera map editing being the second hardest thing to do (the hardest being editing tiles). This just makes it look easier!![]()
Top ones stay onscreen until you move away from them, the others on the bottom float away (like normally seen in Jungle Hijinxs). The non-float ones are likely used the most in Bonus Levels.WAZ__Up wrote:Whats the difference between the top set of life balloons and the bottom set of life balloons?
Essentially, it's unknown. Seems to be a leftover from Rare's design process.WAZ__Up wrote:So whats the story behind that tree top at the bottom of the level?
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