Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 19th, 2009, 3:35 pm

Katastrophe Kong wrote:Nice spike sprites, I could really use some help on the animal tokens. So far I've done Ellie and Squawks.

I can do the rest of you'd like Katastrophe, it seems fairly easy to change the regular sprites into the gold tokens in Photoshop.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Katastrophe Kong » June 19th, 2009, 3:38 pm

Well I'm working on rattly, you go ahead and do squitter.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 19th, 2009, 4:29 pm

Added some new items to my post on page 10, check it out :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 19th, 2009, 4:59 pm

K.Rool the Krool wrote:Added some new items to my post on page 10
Hey, nice sprites!
By the way, I have not quit this thread, I'm just not the director anymore. ;)

Some advice though: For the animated small tokens, each token needs 8 frames in the rotation (just like bananas have). This may be difficult to draw, however.

If you need the math, that's a rotation of 45 degrees per frame. And remember that the tokens aren't viewed head-on, they are viewed from a prospective slightly above the sprite. I hope you can understand what I'm saying.

Also: the dimensions of small token sprites and bananas is 16x16 pixels exactly.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 19th, 2009, 5:17 pm

Ok, thanks for the info Simion, i'll try to get the sprites to that size and make the rotations...this may take a few days tho :lol:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby The Guy » June 20th, 2009, 3:23 am

I just had a great idea.

If there's ever a fan game there can be a mode unlocked after beating the game called Bonus Level Survival. In this you have to go through each bonus level until you beat the final one or lose on one of the levels.

I think these could be the first few:

1. Find the Exit: In a cave you have to crawl to the other side. Along the way there are some crevases fillled in by Oil Drums that have a fire. The fires go out and back every three seconds. Time to complete: 30 seconds.

2. Collect the Stars: In the tree tops of the jungle there are many stars. Rattly is also here and you have to use him. Beware of the Mincers though. Stars: 50 Time: 30 seconds

3. Bash the Baddies: Gnawties, Neeks and Sneeks. Bash every one of each! Enemies: 15 (5 of each) Time: 20 seconds
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 20th, 2009, 3:25 am

Great idea, the guy! We have to make our own style to make it more unique. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby The Guy » June 20th, 2009, 3:46 am

I think for every 10 stages you have to go through a redone animal buddy stage.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 20th, 2009, 3:55 am

Well, uh, me and Gamer_Boy997 are working on the new animal buddy levels.
Also, away from the Guy's idea, there should be a bonus game called Beat The Clock, where you have to finish a mini level in a certain time
I can see you, so contribute
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 20th, 2009, 10:15 am

^ That's pretty much the same exact thing as Find the Exit :roll: .
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 20th, 2009, 2:20 pm

Great ideas for the extra content guys. As for me I went back and had a look at those Go-Karts from before and fixed them up a bit as was suggested, hope you like 'em :)


I added DK's Go-Kart death sprites ;)

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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 20th, 2009, 3:01 pm

Guys . . . What teh crapzors?

Dude, I never meant for you to leave or anything, and you weren't really being banworthy. I just saw a part of my old self in you, and I thought I should say something.

@Joe Minga: I know the DKU doesn't ban without reason. I was actually temp-banned twice before I finally got the boot, so I try not to complain about it. Sorry if it sounded that way.

Kay. Nice spriting! That Kritter Kart is da bomb diggity, yo.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 20th, 2009, 3:34 pm

Tipity Tup-nup, I didn`t get all fussy over your comment. Also, an old part of you? You didn`t commit murder or anything.
Also, I just realized about beat the clock, so screw my crap idea.
Back to TT jr. off topic, you do have a gf. SO DO I, YOU GREAT GANSTER ACTER. My gf would just say, "Hmmm?"
Back to the topic:

Music update:
Files now in MP3 format and made into a 2 verse song, exactly like Rare did with DKC music:
Cranky`s info centre
Wrinkly`s Exams
Funky`s Transportation Association (Yes, I changed it)
Swanky`s Game Show Network
Candy`s Save Point II
Boss Battle
Battle with Kommander K. Rool
Water Levels (New, updated song, with a slightly faster tempo than the DKC1 song)
Racing Levels (Go Kart or Beat the Clock, as I called it, levels)
Completed songs save in MP3 format that do not loop and only play once, and so does the track:
Diddy & Dixie Rescued... NOT
Songs in progress:
Bonus levels
:D to all!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 20th, 2009, 3:39 pm

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Diddy & Dixie Rescued... NOT

Wait... hold on... how is this going into the story?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 20th, 2009, 3:55 pm

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Tipity Tup-nup, I didn`t get all fussy over your comment. Also, an old part of you? You didn`t commit murder or anything.
Also, I just realized about beat the clock, so screw my crap idea.
Back to TT jr. off topic, you do have a gf. SO DO I, YOU GREAT GANSTER ACTER. My gf would just say, "Hmmm?"
Back to the topic:


Hey Smudge, is there any way you can post some of the songs online so we can get an idea of whats coming? :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 20th, 2009, 4:22 pm

I have them on another computer, and my flash drive broke. :( I will post what I have created when I borrow my dads.
Also, for Gamer_Boy, you said,
"How is [Diddy and Dixie Rescued... Not] going to work?"
I have it:
At the second to last world, in the back of the room will be the cage containing Diddy and Dixie. You`ll talk, then a giant Kobble dressed up like he`s in the army will come down out of nowhere and knock you back. He`ll say...
"Just what do you think you are doing here? I`m Kommander K. Rool, and you will NOT pass."
You`ll fight. After he`s defeted, you`ll notice the cage containing Did & Dix is gone. The Kobble will leave, but drop a note purposly. It reads:
Dear Kongs,
You thought THAT fruitcake was Kommander K. Rool? That was a giant Kobble! I am the real Kommander K. Rool, and you want your stupid monkey buddies back, you`ll have to come to my ship. MWA HA HA HA HA!
Come and get me, dipsticks!
-Kommander K. Rool

Case closed
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 21st, 2009, 5:35 pm

Hey guys,

So as Simion was thinking about a volcano-temple level I decided to make this visual interpretation of what it might look like. Seems like it might be a great level if we ever got the fan-game under way. Enjoy :)

Edit: Fixed the blue issue with the temple ;)

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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 21st, 2009, 5:39 pm

That was my idea,
In the DKC Custom Level Ideas thread, I wrote:Temple + Volcano: Basically a temple level set inside a volcano, and the temple's terrain would be black from being in the volcano.

The only thing I see wrong in general here is that the temples are blue (?)... other than that, thanks for putting my idea to some use.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 21st, 2009, 5:43 pm

Wowza! That looks great! That`ll mean another temple song, though. :roll:
Music update:
New songs created:
MP3 songs in 2 verse:
Dusk forest (Song changed)
MP3 songs without loop:
Bonus Bananza
Works in progress:
None, I`m busy right now
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Gnawzooka » June 21st, 2009, 9:10 pm

That's a nice looking temple.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 22nd, 2009, 3:25 pm

What THE crap does that video have to do with this topic... or anything for that matter? Seriously?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 22nd, 2009, 3:26 pm

I laughed. Not a "Ha ha," but a :lol:. :) Rock on, TipTup Jr.!
I really haven`t done anything with the music for awile. BUT, my friend Erik (CoolStyleE, signed up here, yay!) is working on buisness cards for us. :shock: Slappy just does stuff.
With Simion32 out of directing, but with a good job list, I`ll add on.
Along with the list:
CoolStyleE: Advertising director (He can make better ads than I can)
Myself: Controls (Looks like Simion32 put that job back on the wavers, so I`m claiming it)
Myself, Tiptup Jr., Simion32 and Gamer_Boy997: Plotline directors (We create all the side scenes and how the plot wil unfold... we`ll be making the storyline)
SIMION32: If he can hack, he can write. This guy always seems to come up with an idea on any thread everyday.
TIPTUP JR.: His sense of humor is great, and adding his type of humor would make an interesting plotline that would be enjoyable
Gamer_Boy997: Just see his original ideas and what he`s done. It says itself
Me: I`m an author, and I get rating of 5 stars for my work from good critics.
Come on, I gotta do something being a Co-Director.
P.S. I haven`t yet decided if I`m gonna stay on DKC Atlas, but there`s a good chance I won`t
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 22nd, 2009, 3:55 pm

[Quote removed by Moderator]

What about me Smudge? geez :lol:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby CoolStyleE » June 22nd, 2009, 4:09 pm

K.Rool the Krool wrote:What about me Smudge? geez :lol:

I`m damn sure he`ll let you be a plotline director, guarentee. I tell him soon.
*Calls Smudge*
Yep, you are in.
Also, please cut your quotes, you don`t have to put the whole thing. Please see the forum rules
On another note...
I get to be advertising? YAY! I`ll post the business cards when they`re ready, they`ll be good, I promise.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 23rd, 2009, 12:38 am

Jomingo wrote:What THE crap does that video have to do with this topic... or anything for that matter? Seriously?


I assume he meant to say "gangster actor". And thanks, Smudge; I'm glad people like it. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 23rd, 2009, 8:21 am

Whether people like it or not(I personally felt that the only thing that saved it was the music, which made it somewhat funny) is besides the point that it has absolutely no place in this thread. This is not a random thoughts topic, so don't treat it as such. That's why we have the random thoughts topic in the first place...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 23rd, 2009, 3:24 pm

Jomingo wrote:Whether people like it or not(I personally felt that the only thing that saved it was the music, which made it somewhat funny) is besides the point that it has absolutely no place in this thread. This is not a random thoughts topic, so don't treat it as such. That's why we have the random thoughts topic in the first place...

Why Tipity posted it was cause I put that he was a good ganster actor, and he put proof, therefore, (Even though he just could`ve PM`d me) it was my fault. I take all the blame. Go ahead, slap me. :lol:
→Some guy in the back← Getting yourself hurt is no laughing matter!
→Me← So?
Sorry. Some people suck.
And, Tiptup Jr., you`re welcome.
P.S. My mind is finally made up. The soundtrack (The WHOLE soundtrack, not the samples) WILL INDEED be my very last post on DKC Atlas. But, I will leave contacts, probably make a little private room for the members to post messages to me and stuff. Also, I can co-direct there, I`ll put links, and hopefully somebody will transfer it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 24th, 2009, 1:00 am

Ah, I see. It was a slightly unneeded response to a post from 8 posts before his, but it was not necessarily completely off-topic. Thanks for clearing that up.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 24th, 2009, 12:48 pm

*sigh* I miss the good ol' days when this thread was free of argument and full of hardly anything gets posted about ideas for the fan-game, I'm hoping we can get things back on track, maybe with a new thread at some point after laying down some ground rules. I'm not gonna lie we had some great ideas at the beginning of this thread, hopefully we'll have some more soon.


In an attempt to get things rolling again i've made this "Kommander K. Rool" sprite which we might be able to use. Mind you its not perfect yet, but it's not too bad overall, lemme know what you guys think :)

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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 24th, 2009, 3:47 pm

Yeah, shut the flip up and let`s post ideas...
Dammit, where is Gamer_Boy997? I`ve seen him online, but not here. :?: Did he ditch us?
If so, I hope he`s thinking about this topic...
Now for a joke, most likely Tiptup Jr. might reconize with ease:
I hope he can`t sleep and he dreams about it
I hope his dreams EAT him and he can breath without it

Yeah, what I`m worried about is the side scenes, and how that`s gonna work. Hmmm...
Also, can I get approved on helping Tiptup Jr. with voices? If yes, I can whip up the sounds for DK and Kiddy`s life lose on ground (Not the falling in a pit screaming, but when you get hit on land) & the DK/bonus/any special coin collected short sound. (Not the music)
Eat Acaì berries,
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 24th, 2009, 4:38 pm

K.Rool the Krool wrote:In an attempt to get things rolling again i've made this "Kommander K. Rool" sprite which we might be able to use. Mind you its not perfect yet, but it's not too bad overall, lemme know what you guys think
For a rework of an original sprite, that's pretty darn good.

With a bit more reworking it would be awesome! Of course, it's a bit blurred, some detail is obviously in order. ;)

And yeah, where'd gamer_boy997 go? You're supposed to be the director here *sigh* am I going to have to become director again? .... :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 24th, 2009, 4:54 pm

Thanks Simion, I actually just made him rather quickly, but i'm looking into actually giving him a more detailed "Sergeant's Whistle" around his neck and some other things as well, we'll see how it goes :)
Also hopefully we do see gamerboy997 again soon, he seems to have alot of input on most peoples ideas.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 24th, 2009, 5:05 pm

Great sprite, K. Rool the Krool. Just a tad fussy, though.

If Gamer_Boy is out...

Let`s look at the canidates:
The Guy
Rool Krool
Yeah, they`ve put the most effort into the fan-game ideas, even when we were stupid enough to think the game was going to be released.
My vote? Simion.
My 2nd vote? K. Rool the Krool
My 3rd vote? The Guy
My last vote? Harrison Holez

You can`t be a DKC4 director and leave DKCA within days.
P.S. More time for me to be on DKCA, I accidentally deleted all the music before it went in the shop. :oops: Gotta start from scratch again. :roll:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 24th, 2009, 5:10 pm

Given that you're using K. Rool's DKC sprites as a base, perhaps one of his moves could be [(Jump)->(Throws Several Grenades)->(Lands w/earthquake like Kudgel does)]

I think that we should try to utilize some of the K. Rool stuff from DKC2 as well. I don't know about his DKC3 sprites though.

Your avatar is nice. Is it supposed to be a "punk biker" version of Kaptain K. Rool?

SmudgeKWOOD... what was up with all that blank space in your post? I removed it and put your candidate votes in a spoiler. Please don't put useless blank space in posts.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby K.Rool the Krool » June 24th, 2009, 6:01 pm

Sounds interesting Simion, we could indeed do that for some of his moves. Also, yes my avatar is supposed to be a biker-gang version of K.Rool with an electricity gun of some sort (maybe a cattle-prod) ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 25th, 2009, 12:57 am

Guys! I'm right here! Don't worry!

I keep visiting this topic and seeing what's going on, like the blue temple with lava terrain. Don't worry, I just don't have anything to post is all ;) .
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 1:58 am

Heh, reminds me of the time I didn't post for like a week, and everybody thought that Qyz and me were both dead, even though I logged on 3 times a day and just had nothing to add.
You better watch out Gamerboy, you haven't posted in this topic for four days and they're already keen to replace you. ;)

Anyway, I love that Kommander K. Rool look. I also like Simion's idea to include some of his DKC2 techniques. Given that he now has an army getup perhaps his blunderbuss could return(with some very different uses of it of course!)?
Also, perhaps for a portion of the fight K. Rool could be in a tank and it could go something like this:
-K. Rool is in tank. He drives back and forth across the screen attempting to run you over. You must avoid this by perhaps using hooks above? Then he starts shooting missiles out that you must jump around the hooks to avoid. Finally he shoots out a bomb(hey, you could take the DKC2 cannonball and just give it a burning wick!) which you must then throw back at the tank. The tank becomes immobile temporarily, at which time a confused looking K. Rool peaks his head out of the top of the tank, looking around to see what's wrong. This is where you throw something at him. He gets hurt, rinse and repeat. After about 3 to 5 times the Tank just blows up, thus beginning the on foot section of the battle.

What d'you think?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 25th, 2009, 2:55 am

I like the idea, only the boss battles were more complicated... let`s bring Croc into play here...
So, I did say I liked Jomingo`s idea, so we`ll stick with that 3 times, only K. Rool getting crazier each. Then, he gets out of his trashed tank and runs away from the screen. The charecter thinks he`s quit, but he comes back setting up a machine gun. Behind is the Croc gun. Run to it, and the screen should change so you`re Croc. Block his bullets with a small fireball, cause the big one should be disabled, and you use that for K. Rool, who cannot be hurt with the small ones. (Small firearm button: A) After 8 bullets blocked, he`ll knock his gun over by accident and reach to grab it. Now, hit B while he`s reaching for it and hit his back. He`ll colapse, then get back up with his gun. Do this 2 more times, only the 2nd time is 16 and a bit faster, and the 3rd is 24, a bit faster than the 2nd. Now, he`ll gather up 5 Krashes and launch them at different times. Jump on them. If you miss, they`ll just make a turn and come the other way. The last Krash should leave his cart okay to drive, pick up a barrel and drive to K Rool, talking to the other Krash`s. Hurry and throw the barrel, then scurry. If he turns around before you throw the rock or don`t get away fast enough, then he`ll knock you out of the kart and chuck a rock at you, making you lose a life. He`ll now send 10 Krash`s, closer together and faster. Repeat the jumping on them and barrel throw. Do it one more time, only there`s 20 Krash`s really close together, jumping to late could easily kill you, and even faster. The last Krash`ll leave his cart, throw a barrel. Now, he`ll chase you. Lead him to the electric pool of his he uses for so-called "Sacrifices." Turn, then throw a rock at his back while he`s facing the pool to knock him in. Quickly run to a box on the wall and simply press B. You have turn on the electricity and K. Rool gets electricuted and disappears, drowning. Then, Diddy and Dixie`s cage appears.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby DK4Ever » June 25th, 2009, 3:05 am

*DK4Ever takes wall o' text to the face. DK4Ever dies.*



I missed so much on my vacation in Europe this is the first post I can manage in this topic. First of all, excellent ideas guys, and I wish that someday we'll be able to put it together as a real topic, and I'd gladly be a plotline director or something of that sort should this pick up again. (I REALLY hope it does)

Second, K. Rool the Krool, you are one amazing sprite artist, man. Commander K. Rool, the balloons, the levels, SPIKE, it's all amazing, and you've got real talent.

the Guy, those levels you came up with are great, and I really wish I could actually play through one..they look like crazy fun. Beach levels ftw.

gamer_boy, that Mr. X fight (It was you, right? I'm sorry) is just amazing, and really captures our ideas about Mr. X (minus the Kackles, but what are ya gonna do?)

Anyway, I hope this picks up again because I need to do my part :D

EDIT : I'm sorry I lost my train of thought : SmudgeKWOOD. Don't be so hard on yourself, and STOP cursing yourself out it's really bothersome...and awkward. Anyway, your enthusiasm with this poject and your pulling everyone together, if only for a short time should be commended, and the above boss fight sounds good but clean it up a bit..and it is a wall of text, please fix that!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 25th, 2009, 5:09 am

DK4Ever wrote:gamer_boy, that Mr. X fight (It was you, right? I'm sorry) is just amazing, and really captures our ideas about Mr. X (minus the Kackles, but what are ya gonna do?)

Actually, that was Kastrophe Kong (or however you spell his name :lol: ).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby The Guy » June 25th, 2009, 7:26 am

I guess I'll rejoin this. (I resigned earlier.)

I won't do much sinc I don't have much things to use on this computer. I think I'll only make Bonus Levels/plan out certain things.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby DK4Ever » June 25th, 2009, 9:09 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:
Actually, that was Kastrophe Kong (or however you spell his name :lol: ).

Ah very good then, thanks.

Amazing job there, KK!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 9:23 am

DK4Ever wrote:gamer_boy, that Mr. X fight (It was you, right? I'm sorry) is just amazing, and really captures our ideas about Mr. X (minus the Kackles, but what are ya gonna do?)

Where exactly is this Mr. X fight posted? You have caught my interest.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Lanky Kong » June 25th, 2009, 10:30 am

Yay!, a NEW DKC Game, i like to be the Sprites and Enemy Ideas :D

P.S.: I can Create new Enemies for the Proyect!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 12:21 pm

I thought I'd try my hand at making a Kiddy Kong balloon(I know somebody already did, I just thought I'd try), and this is what I came up with:
untitled.PNG (3.78 KiB) Viewed 135707 times

EDIT: Also, here's something you guys might or might not have a use for:
Kiddy Coin.png
Kiddy Coin.png (20.1 KiB) Viewed 135700 times

Or perhaps a more useful DK Island Coin:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 25th, 2009, 3:21 pm

I knew I was gonna get dissed sooner or later, cause I always do. Now I can be called the n word.
The coins... look fantasticò, only the balloon, yeah, that`s K. Rool the Krool`s thing.
Kiddy coin: Pass
DK Isle coin: Hidden in a specific spot in one of the levels of each world, 10x harder than the DK coins. Collect all 10, and get a clue for finding the lost world.
My ideas, I am a plotline director.
Added as plotline director:
Also, I will fix the wall of text as soon as I get my computer back. (How am I posting? Check the Which internet browser do you use topic in Anything Goes)
Also, I found a really funny article about traffic called "This rant." I`ll do that for all those [cleanedout] people [/cleanedout] who don`t have any clue to anything going on.
I post a part of This Rant to get the idea:
Part of the intro:
This is to all you [cleanedout] idiots [/cleanedout] out there who hog the fast lane going 2 times slower than the speed limit and won`t get the [cleanedout] heck [/cleanedout] out of the lane!
{Then it posted Q&A for traffic... still funny}
Smudge`ll die soon
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 3:26 pm

Did I miss something? When did somebody diss you? Why would anybody want to call you the n word?

Nobody here wants you to "die"(I assume you mean by that to leave), I don't know why you seem to be so negative all the time. Don't be so hard on yourself, just relax. ;)

Anyway, yeah, I didn't make the balloon for it to actually be used (as you guys already have one), I just was messing around and wanted to try it out. Same goes for the coins, use them if you want, but I was only messing around when creating them.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 25th, 2009, 4:03 pm

No, I didn`t mean leaving, I already know you all think I`m a b***ard, and I am, so, yeah. Oh, for the fact out, I once did try to [Kids, leave] kill myself before with one helluva sharp knife, but was caught by my parents, who kicked me, cussed at me, (Oh crap, I`m off topic)
And Mr. Flamingo Jomingo, you missed some stuff, I`ve seen. Oh, and I see TONS of reasons to be called the n word.
Anywho, Jomingo, keep the balloon and the Kiddy coin, I`ll see what I can make happen with the DK Isle coin... for now.
Also, could K. Rool the Krool please post Kiddy`s and Krash`s death-in-kart sprites. I have the sounds for them, along with the kart crashing, but not that loud.
Also, to one of the sprites people, could they age DK & Kiddy a bit cause this does take place quite a whiles from DKC3.
Another thing to sprite people: what the FLIP happened to the animal buddy tokens. You`ve said you`ve did `em, and don`t forget the 45° turn. THE TURN MUST BE CLOCKWISE.
Again, could somebody put some meat into Expresso`s legs so he can jump on enemies. Also, his special move (Web - platform, superjump, etc.) Should be a peck that can knock down everysize enemy (Cause Expresso can`t jump on big enemies, let`s say) And make a hole in the ground. CATCH: You can do it anytime, so if you dig in the wrong spot you`ll fall in your own pit and die. :P
Yup, bye
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Re: Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 25th, 2009, 4:28 pm

What are you talking about?! Nobody here thinks anything of the sort, what have you done to make anybody think bad of you? Have I missed something here?
Sage of Discovery
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