Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

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Donkey Kong Country fan-game ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 3:26 am

This is a thread to post ideas for a fan-game, if you have ideas, post them here!

Donkey Kong Country 4
Kiddy Kong wakes up from his afternoon nap. Before his nap, he had a play time with Diddy and Dixie, who were supposed to be watching TV while Kiddy was sleeping. However, when he wakes up, he sees that the room Diddy and Dixie were in was turned upside down, and Diddy and Dixie weren't there. Laying in the middle of the room however was a note with writing on it. Kiddy could not read it, so he decided to take it to the wisest person he knew, Cranky Kong.

When he reached Cranky Kong, who was about a half an hour away, Cranky took the note and read it aloud.

"The two weak Kongs aren't here anymore, and there is no way you can rescue them, because I have gone pretty high up, higher than the atmosphere.
Kommander K. Rool

"Oh my!" Cranky said, "Who are these two 'weak Kongs'?

Kiddy tried to tell him that it was Diddy and Dixie through a game of charades.

"Well then," Cranky said, "above the atmosphere must be up in space. I bet Funky Kong can build something to get up there if he had the right material. Of course, there is no way you can find them without my grandson, Donkey Kong.

Kiddy Kong took another 30 minute walk to Donkey Kong's hut, and told him the whole story. It took another half an hour for him to understand. After he understood, they were both off to rescue Donkey Kong's buddy and his girl.

It should pretty much be the same as DKC2. Banana birds are just... not needed, but bonus coins, DK coins, and banana coins are nice. Bears... not needed either. Instead, quests could be done among the helper Kongs in each world. There could be 10 worlds, including the hidden world, is great too, considering DKC3 had 8. The world map could be like DKC3's. Please note that instead of banana bird caves, could be small mini-games that give you DK coins/bonus coins instead.

Notes about the helper Kongs: Quests are done among Kongs for DK coins. Each helper Kong also has their own mini-game in which you play for extra lives, but I'll think about that later.
Candy Kong: Saves your game. Free the first time in a world, 1 banana coin all the other times in the world.
Wrinkly Kong: Teaches how to play the game, which costs banana coins. Please note that Wrinkly will not give hints for world bosses.
Swanky Kong: Has a mini-game that you can play for not only extra lives, but extra banana coins as well. You also have the option to complete levels in a certain time for extra lives/banana coins.
Cranky Kong: Shares tips for levels, including the boss.
Funky Kong: Collects material and such to build vehicles that can get you to other worlds.

Bonus levels can be:
Collect the stars
Collect the green bananas
Find the bonus coin
Bash the baddies
and introducing... collect one of each banana!
In collect one of each banana, there are 4 colors: Red, blue, purple, and orange bananas. You will have to collect one of each and them get to the bonus coin. If you collect two of one banana, you lose the minigame.

At the end of each level, there will be something well... similar to the end-of-level target, but maybe something else, like an item wheel prehaps, and you had to jump from a height like the end-of-level target, or maybe something different, like have both Kongs at the end of the level.

We have the same multiplayer as before but something new...
Two player contest
Two player team
and introducing... two player team contest!
In two player team contest, 2 players share one controller. There will be two teams, and each team is a team of two. If you get hurt, you pass the controller to your teammate to take over.

I will probably add on to these ideas, but that's all I have for now.

Below is an image of most of the things in Donkey Kong Country 4. Please note Kongs and Animal Buddies are pretty much complete (unless you can advise me to add other animal buddies), there could also be one new animal buddy, such as...

Spike the porqupine: When you open his crate, his quills will be tucked under, so don't worry. He is like a normal animal buddy that can jump on enemies, except if you press 'y', he will spin around once and untuck his quills, and any enemies who touch his quills will die (except enemies like red buzzards, etc.), and he will also shoot a quill that you can control like squitters' webs, but when it hits an enemy, it will disappear. If you hold 'y', you will shoot a very fast quill that you can't control, but it will not disappear even if it hits an enemy, and will open up secret doors to bonus rooms. You can only have one shot quill on the screen at a time.
Donkey Kong Country 4.PNG
Donkey Kong Country 4.PNG (26.76 KiB) Viewed 170201 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 3:32 am

Cool, but delete Parry. He can be useless. Replace him with Squitter. Well, uh, I want a different setting, though... I'm going on Google images. Be back in a few hours
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 3:34 am

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Well, uh, I want a different setting, though...

That's okay. Everyone has different opionions. I just think space might be nice because it could have a level or two with the effects of the zero-gravity level in DKC3 (I forget what it was called), I thought it might also be cool since it's never been used in DKC.

EDIT: Oh yeah... and I though prehaps and small buddy (A.K.A. Squawks in DKC, Glitter in DKC2 and Parry in DKC3) would keep the pattern up, but maybe your right... I thought about putting Squitter and Rambi in there. I was thinking it might be even if all animal buddies were in two DKC's, but I see Enguarde in all of them... and Winky in only one...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 4:14 am

Fine, I'm okay with that. Well, uh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I was looking for a good overview map but was sucking eggs with that. But, I did find a good 1st level theme: a local park, THEREFORE the setting should relate to a U.S. city. Here's the background I found:
Like it? Okay, but we need good music for it, but all good music has vocals. (Hmmmm, you better edit it.) The best first level music I could think of is Lust for Life by Iggy Pop. ... t+for+Life I'll also attatch a link for a good music editing program called WavePad, so you can edit the song to your liking. This is the link:
Anyway, overhead map and sub map music? ...........................Better screw around in Fruity Loops 3 from FL studio.
The intro, they should be staying in a house, but not a human house.... maybe one of those beach shack thingies? Like this:
Minus the people, surf boards, etc., just the shack, I think it'd be a good house. Just an opinion.
Cheers :) ;) :D ,
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 6:20 am

Hmm... a U.S. city (or similar to one anyway)... I guess it could work, as there was a carnival in DKC2 :D .

EDIT: I redid the image, replacing Parry with Squitter, mostly because I thought recycling a "small buddy" would be a bad idea.

Also, does anyone have a Donkey Kong Country 4 logo of some sort? I'm thinking about making a poster of some sort.

EDIT 2: Sweet music!

One thing I'm mainly thinking about is the bonus level music.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 6:36 am

Gamer_Boy_997, please post a seperate image of DK, Kiddy, and a Kritter (or any Kremling) along with any animal buddy and I can do something
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 6:38 am

It will be ready within 2 minutes.

EDIT: Here it is.
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG (4.34 KiB) Viewed 170191 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 6:41 am

Thank you thank you thank you! :D Check back for the logo in 10-20 minutes
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 6:42 am

Okay! Can't wait to see what you have in store!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 7:10 am

Well, uh, I made the base...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 7:31 am

Alright! Your getting closer to finished!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 8:15 am

The artwork is horrible, I don't have photoshop, etc., so the artwork is my drawing, along with Gamer_Boy's sprites. Here it is: (The cr@ppiest quality EVER)
DKC4 logo.JPG
The logo. It sucks. :(
DKC4 logo.JPG (31.47 KiB) Viewed 169832 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 11th, 2009, 8:29 am

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Cool, but delete Parry. He can be useless.

Hey, you can't delete Parry! Do you think he can help the fact that he only flies in a straight line directly above you? No. Where is the love these days . . . :roll:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 11th, 2009, 8:30 am

^ I know, but we can collect the things he collects by simply using the Kongs, right?

EDIT: :lol: Nice poster, it might not be good quality, but it tells the basic plot and all that. I also think "Kiddy's big shot" may be a nice title.

And the "under 10 years" thing wasn't really needed, it's not like it's bloody and gorey :lol: .
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 10:07 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:...And the "under 10 years" thing wasn't really needed, it's not like it's bloody and gorey.

Well, dialouge. Some of the peeps on here can type odd dialouge without knowing..... :|
We should start level mapping soon. Cuz if we don't, I'll :x . JK LOL :lol: But, we'll need to work on controls, and build new sprites for team throw, new pouts, etc. so it looks new.
YAY COMMENT: I'll work on an add for this game, okay?
Also, there were alot of posts today. Holy cr@p, all this in just one day?!?!
That Gamer_Boy person wrote:...bonus music...

I can't find a good link, but I do have it on another computer. It is called "Blasphemous Rumours" By Depeche Mode. It's hard to edit, but, uh, yeah, I like it.
Also, I found a good overhead map and sub-map music
Sub map: ... ike+Heaven
Main map:
Hope y'all like 'em!
Also, I found another level image: the plains.
I don't really like this song, but it fits the setting well: ... Down+Sally
Progress in the making... POST SETTINGS PEOPLE, I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE. JK, but seriously...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 11th, 2009, 12:16 pm

Oh my, this thread is a disorganized mess.

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:I'll work on an add for this game
The game doesn't even exist yet. Slow down.... :roll:

I would be willing to draw some graphics for a Space level archetype once we are able to make this (I'm definitely not doing anything for a DKC4 until the DKCLB is done).

The name "Kommander K. Rool" suggests that K. Rool is like a war commander. Maybe there should be some military-like stages where weapons are going off all over the place. I have my own idea for a storyline involving "Kommander K. Rool", but I won't reveal the details just yet.

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 2:19 pm


I'll fix that. Also, you said slow down with the ad. It's only gonna be posted here, unless it is created, I'll ask myself, DKCplayer, etc. to put the ad widget on their sites/youtube channels. End of that discusion
ANYWHO, I got the next themes & songs:
Song: ... re+%26+Now
Dark forest:
Song: ... +Halloween
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 2:11 am

Plains, a beach, dark forests, reused settings? SWEET!!! Prehaps once the level builder comes out, we can add customized backrounds, terrains, DK+Kiddy combo, and much, much more. Prehaps we can try using features from the original levels to make other terrains+backrounds, like... we could turn Vulture Culture to the dark forest terrain.

Simion32 wrote:The name "Kommander K. Rool" suggests that K. Rool is like a war commander. Maybe there should be some military-like stages where weapons are going off all over the place. I have my own idea for a storyline involving "Kommander K. Rool", but I won't reveal the details just yet.

I wasn't really thinking that, I was just thinking K. Rool could be the "Kommander" of his spaceship, and may send kremlings down along with weapons going... hey wait, maybe you're right!

Also, here's a poster I created. I do think a similar terrain to what's used in it should be used (there, I just named a setting!).
Donkey Kong Country 4 logo.PNG
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 2:48 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:...Here's a poster I created. I do think a similar terrain to what's used in it should be used (there, I just named a setting!).

Cool, I'll attatch a song below for that setting. And yes, the level builder will be cool. Also, great poster. You redid the name, and it's great!
Hmmm... we should start working on level mapping. I wanna see how good y'all (Oh my God, I just said y'all, and I live in the west! :shock: ) are with the mapping. Especially you Gamer_Boy_997, you got all the sprites. I could post great walkthrough's. But, that's later. But, yeah. We gotta master what the scene is going to be (AKA the intro, so our game is special)
There's another thing I'm worried about... an Expresso barrel. If we're gonna have an Expresso, he's gonna need a barrel, like Squawks, Squitter, Ellie, etc.. We got the crate.
Also, we gotta watch out for those nasty glitches. Minor ones are okay, but we don't want any glitch to happen where the game will be corrupted forever. That'd make the players :x .
That's all I have to say. Attatched is the song for the setting in the poster, like I said in the beginning.
P.S. ......Cheats? :) ......
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 2:58 am

Woah there... slow down, if we keep working this fast, the game will probably turn out kind of sloppy :lol: .

However, we do have dark forests, factories, plains, beaches, a local park, a temple (we may want to alter its terrain a little...), and space... perhaps 3 more terrains will do?

Here's one: Jungle. What good is a DKC game without a jungle terrain?

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:Especially you Gamer_Boy_997, you got all the sprites.

Actually, has all of the sprites :lol: .

And thanks to that, I was able to whip this up:
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG (1.14 KiB) Viewed 169764 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 3:34 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:And thanks to that, I was able to whip this up

NICE!!!!!!!!! And, I'll slow down.
I have the final 2 settings! I think I also forgot to post the song for the temple thing, so I will. And the jungle pic & song
Temple song: ... +Patagonia
Jungle setting:
Song: ... =Our+House
Golf course:
Song: ... ning+Shots (It's from a golfing video game)
THE RENEWED Amusment Park: Sunset:
Song: ... y+Birthday (It can be a little annoying, you better edit it good)
Rate the backgrounds/themes and songs please, so we can comprimise
Smudge ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 3:55 am

Everything is quite nice... except... are those pics going to be the backrounds? I think we should probably just make some, considering that's what has been done in previous DKC's.

Wow, this DKC4 thing is off to a fresh start. However, we are going to need alot more than two people in our crew :lol: . Simion32 might start helping once the level builder is finished, but that could take awhile.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 4:00 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:...Are those pics going to be the backrounds?... Wow, this DKC4 thing is off to a fresh start. However, we are going to need alot more than two people in our crew :lol: ...

No, the pics are only the themes. Also, I saw some of VideoVikings work, and he might be a good landscaper. Simion32... I'm sure he wouldn't mind, but he's a busy man, so I think only if he wants to put full credit into this one.
I'm in the middle of editing ALL the music so that there's no vocals.
Small update, eh? :lol:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 4:04 am

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:I'm in the middle of editing ALL the music so that there's no vocals.
Small update, eh? :lol:

Yeah :lol: .

By the way, if anyone else reading this would like to help in some way, post here.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 4:12 am

Pretty interesting so far, I might also contribute a bit.

I also like that one fairgrounds pic.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 4:15 am

The Guy wrote:I might also contribute a bit.

I'm glad to hear that, we are going to need some help ;) .
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 4:22 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:
The Guy wrote:I might also contribute a bit.

I'm glad to hear that, we are going to need some help ;) .

Well, I wouldn't be able to do much since I don't have many programs, but I guess I can help plan out.

We already got the themes, now we might have to do enemies, bosses, gameplay...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 4:27 am

The Guy wrote:Well, I wouldn't be able to do much since I don't have many programs, but I guess I can help plan out.

You have Paint and a Word Document, right? That's all it took me (along with to make all of the attachments I uploaded in this thread.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 4:30 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:
The Guy wrote:Well, I wouldn't be able to do much since I don't have many programs, but I guess I can help plan out.

You have Paint and a Word Document, right? That's all it took me (along with to make all of the attachments I uploaded in this thread.

Yeah, I have both of those programs.

Level 1... I guess it's the transition with Kiddy Kong going to Cranky's house.

Enemies: Qnawties and Kritters.

Gimicks: None.

Life Balloons: 3 red

Add on if you want.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 4:33 am

The Guy wrote:Level 1... I guess it's the transition with Kiddy Kong going to Cranky's house.

Actually, I think it should start where Donkey Kong and Kiddy Kong leave Donkey's hut.

Terrain: ?
Enemies: ?
Animal Buddies: ?
Items: ?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 4:36 am


Anyway, now I'm making a bonus room for the level.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 4:37 am

The Guy wrote:Anyway, now I'm making a bonus room for the level.

Sweet! I wonder what the terrain will be...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 4:45 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:
The Guy wrote:Anyway, now I'm making a bonus room for the level.

Sweet! I wonder what the terrain will be...

It's merely a small cave. In other words on of the bonus levels where you collect your prize for finding the area. I'm done now and I'll put it on here anyway...

EDIT: Here it is...


The white line shows the direction of the platform.

EDIT 2: I guess I'll help with the concept of Bonus Rooms mainly and sometimes the levels themselves.

A good place for some terrain is either VGMaps or the Spriters Resource.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 5:24 am

gamer_boy997 wrote:
The Guy wrote:Terrain: ?
Enemies: ?
Animal Buddies: ?
Items: ?

Terrain: Beach (Cause of the beach hut)
Enemies: Along with Gnawtys and Kritters, like the Guy said, Zingers, Kobbles, Klampaons, & 1 Cat 'O Nine Tails
Animal Buddy: The porcupine guy. (What was his name?)
Items: 1 bonus barrel, 1 secret bonus cave (The Guy's expresso token bonus cave) 2 Bonus room
Also, The Guy is Pm'ing me the one bonus barrel bonus level, which will include the bonus coin & the DK coin.
Well, we just got that level layout done... after we get the bonus barrel bonus room, let's work hard to complete this 1st level! :D :) :|
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 5:27 am

Progress on Bonus: Background found!

All I'll need to do is to get the background from this image, but getting an image from the level itself is easier...

EDIT: Wait... I'm done. I've done my best... Now I'm going to upload the background for use of anyone else...

EDIT 2: Not the best we can get, but anyway...


EDIT 3: Didn't read my third PM today... Well, I don't mind the work!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 5:50 am

The Guy wrote:Image

Wow! Cool water for the beach levels! by the way, did you guys view the song for the beach theme? It'll help you get the personality. :P
P.S. ......... We can do something with this song, like a cheat or something. Reconize this: ... ng+Rescued
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 5:59 am


World 1 Map: Going Steady

Bonus Levels of level 1: 1 complete, three more to go.

Things in level 1: Done

Level 1 Layout: We'll start that maybe after all of its bonus rooms are done.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 6:16 am

The Guy wrote:Progress:
World 1 Map: Going Steady
Bonus Levels of level 1: 1 complete, three more to go.
Things in level 1: Done
Level 1 Layout: We'll start that maybe after all of its bonus rooms are done.

Can't wait to see it all. Also, I PM'd The Guy saying how one of the bonus levels were gonna have a DK coin and K. Rool's ship. Told him to get GIMP2 to cut out all the images, so expect this one to be great. :) :| :(
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 6:53 am

Progress: Second Bonus Room of level 1 done! (2 out of 4)


World 1 Map's still in progress. I'll work on the rest of the bonus levels...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 12th, 2009, 7:01 am

The Guy wrote:Progress: Second Bonus Room of level 1 done! (2 out of 4)
World 1 Map's still in progress. I'll work on the rest of the bonus levels...

AMAZING! This looks great! Can't wait until we all team for the first level. Keep it up, the guy!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby The Guy » June 12th, 2009, 7:16 am

Here's the map!



Numbers stand for the levels in order

F stands for Funky's Flights

Boss is obvious.

These are the world's levels (All unnamed; here it lists the types):

1. Beach

2. Coral Reef

3. Beach

4. Jungle (It'd be hard to make one on the island...)

5. Coral Reef

EDIT: B is for bonus level.

EDIT 3: CR is for Cranky

CA is for Candy

W is for Wrinkly

S is for Swanky

EDIT 4: I'm working on the Bonus levels now...

Summary of all of them in level 1:

Bonus 1: Cave, Animal Token (Expresso) is prize

Bonus 2: Beach, Gangplank Galleon in background, DK Coin

Bonus 3 (Accessed by Bonus Barrel): Bash the Baddies, Gnawties

Bonus 4: I'm thinking about it...

EDIT 5: ... bonus3.PNG

and ... bonus4.PNG

For the second one the barrels are some sort of moving scenery (I like adding things for scenery.) and I forgot to add the time which is 15 seconds.

Also one of them is too big to be posted.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby DKCplayer » June 12th, 2009, 10:01 am

This looks like a cool project! Here's a little something that goes with the Expresso transformation barrel:
No Expresso.png
No Expresso.png (1.13 KiB) Viewed 171060 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2009, 11:45 am

The Guy wrote:It's merely a small cave. In other words on of the bonus levels where you collect your prize for finding the area. I'm done now and I'll put it on here anyway...

EDIT: Here it is...


The white line shows the direction of the platform.

That's great, but just one slight problem, we will have to create animal tokens and animal bonus levels for all the animal buddies. I bet we could do it though.

EDIT: I have quite a few other comments to make:
1. Nice world one map and level one backround (now if we can just add a sand terrain of some sort).
2. It's very nice to see another member joining in on the project, DKCPlayer :), and nice Expresso sign.

And a requests:
1. (To a moderator/administrator) It looks like this has turned into a project thread instead of an idea thread, so if a moderator or an administrator could move this to the project/fanworks topic list, that would be great.
2. (To everyone) You may have noticed in my ideas that I have included an "End-of-level Wheel", in which one of the following is needed to stop it and receive an item:
a. Jump from a height (same as DKC2)
b. Have both Kongs at the end of the level
c. Other
You can decide which one is the best, and if anyone would like to create the wheel, that would be nice too, although I might work on it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby The Guy » June 13th, 2009, 2:14 am

As for the end of level thing I think it should be a jumping height.

I think I'll get started on the first level today and might find a terrain for the second level. Any comments?

EDIT: Oh, for the fact there's no Wheelie thingie End Target and the porcupine's box/No Animal I'll start on it anyway and update it with those later. And the Banana(s) (Coins) too.

EDIT 2: The first level... ... 1beach.PNG

I know it's short, but it's the first level and there's ten worlds in this game. This way we can balence out the difficulties of all the worlds.

This could be the overall difficulties of all of them:

1. Easy

2. Easy

3. Easy/Medium

4. Medium

5. Medium

6. Medium/Hard

7. Hard

8. Hard

9. Very Hard

10 (Lost World). Very Hard (Although somewhat harder than world 9 like usual in the DKC series.)

EDIT 3: I'll start on the Bonuses of the second level (There's only two.)

I already have terrain for levels 2 and 5 so I'm fine.

I'll also plan out level three (Someone else can do it).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby Jomingo » June 13th, 2009, 4:09 am

Hmmm... interesting project. Some input from me:
-Do you intend to create new enemies? That would be cool.
-The First level should have Rambi or Ellie in it. It should also have a few pits to jump over, some bananas, and a bunch of lives.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby The Guy » June 13th, 2009, 4:11 am

Jomingo wrote:Hmmm... interesting project. Some input from me:
-Do you intend to create new enemies? That would be cool.
-The First level should have Rambi or Ellie in it. It should also have a few pits to jump over, some bananas, and a bunch of lives.

I'm sure we're going to make new enemies.

On the first level I'll update it by the time we have the end of level goal and the porcupine box/No Animal Sign. I'd add the other things too. (Spike's the Animal Buddy of the level.)


Not the best terrain, but meh... ... bonus1.PNG

and ... bonus2.PNG

Hopefully the fifth level (Another water level.) will have better terrain.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 13th, 2009, 5:25 am

Jomingo wrote:-Do you intend to create new enemies? That would be cool.
-The First level should have Rambi or Ellie in it. It should also have a few pits to jump over, some bananas, and a bunch of lives.

-Absolutely! What good is a new DKC game that recycles everything?
-Spike (the new animal buddy) will be in it. The Guy said since there are 10 worlds, the first level should probably be nice and easy. The extra lives sprites we may need help with, however :lol: .
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby The Guy » June 13th, 2009, 5:47 am

Level 1 updated with several objects... ... 1beach.PNG

I'm currently working on level two.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 13th, 2009, 6:25 am

^ Just a thought, but why not use Kiddy balloons instead of Donkey Kong balloons? It would make more sense ;) .

However, it would be slightly difficult to do, but I'm sure someone could do it.

EDIT: Ugh... I tried making it by copying and pasting the different shades of color from one balloon to the other, but it didn't turn out pretty, so this is the farthest I've gotten, if anyone is willing to complete it, they may.
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG
Donkey Kong Country 4 (3).PNG (1.25 KiB) Viewed 171011 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4 project (anyone may help!)

Postby The Guy » June 13th, 2009, 7:28 am

I'm already done with level 2... ... rwater.PNG

and ... 2part2.PNG

I still need to plan level 3 and level 4's jungle terrain is obtained.

So far... Credit to everyone who had the sprites and everyone in this project.

Level 3

Enemies: Gnawties, Klampons, Neckies, Kritters

Terrain: Beach

Animal Buddies: You can add.

Level 4

Enemies: Kritters, Zingers, Klampons, Neckies

Terrain: Jungle

Animal Buddies: Expresso
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