DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » July 24th, 2008, 1:23 pm

I don't know if this can be considered a "difference", and since I've always seen this with Snes9x, it may be an emulator bug.

Anyway, I've used the (E) DKC2 rom (don't remember what revision) and Funky's song was messed up. And I've also used the (U) version and it sounds ok.
It doesn't have an impact in gameplay but it's a difference anyway =P
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » July 24th, 2008, 1:35 pm

I'll check that out, but if it's purely an emulator issue (and doesn't happen on other emulators or a real SNES), I'm not sure if I'd include it in this list... maybe in an emulator issues list?

Anyhow, I will see what I can work out...
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Stone » July 25th, 2008, 12:25 am

Apropo possible emulator issues:
On SNES9x, defeating a Slippa sounds a bit different between U 1.0 and the E versions.
But I can't test it at the moment, because my emulator says it cannot initialise DirectSound. Argghhh!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » August 31st, 2008, 12:55 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I'll check that out[...]

Yeah :roll:
I've found a difference in different versions of DKC2. Basically, in older versions, when Dixie is about to throw Diddy but gets bumped by a Kruncha (and/or maybe Klobbers and Kabooms), she would return to team-up but Diddy's sprite would stay in place, sometimes floating and that; jumping and un-teaming returns he to normal. But in earlier versions, she would just start jumping and Diddy would be dragged to where she jumped off, un-teaming up.
I checked (U) V1.0 and (E) V1.1 (about 2 months ago :roll:), so I'm not sure about others.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » September 4th, 2008, 11:19 pm

Hey, I did check it out... I just didn't come to any conclusion, so I never posted a reply. :roll:

This new difference you mentioned though; it's quite odd that the glitch occurs when throwing Diddy, but not when throwing Dixie. I think this only happens in the original US version, too. Thanks for reporting, Kiddy. :D
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 30th, 2008, 7:19 am

In 1.0 and 1.1 you will trip at this point (and probably at some other places too).
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » November 17th, 2008, 6:37 pm

Here are a few things I noticed about DKC2. Please note that I've only played American 1.0 and 1.1.

- In American 1.0, if you press A to do a tag team, start to jump, throw up while you're in the middle of ascending, and you "catch" the Kong you threw, you will immediately descend afterwards. In American 1.1, if you do this, you will continue to ascend after catching the Kong you threw until you reach the top of the jump.
- In American 1.0, there is a glitch where you can jump after doing a tag team throw. I can conclude with a reasonable doubt that this doesn't work in American 1.1.
- In American 1.0, you can go below the brambles in the Fiery Furnace bonus stage. You can't do this in American 1.1.

There's also one thing I noticed about DKC. In American 1.0 (not sure about 1.1), when you finish a stage for the first time, and you watch the Kongs dance, you can press A, B, Y, or X to skip the dance to save time. You can't do this in American 1.2 for some reason.

And finally, something I noticed about DKC3. In the American version, if you do the COLOR code, Kiddy's clothes will oddly remain blue in the bonus screens, even though Dixie's changes appropriately. In the Japanese version (I only tried 1.1), Kiddy's clothes are green:
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » November 22nd, 2008, 11:43 am

I made a small update to the DKC2 change list just now, mostly regarding team-throws and language options.

Sam, Blaz; cheers for these new observations. I'll add these to the lists at my next opportunity. 8-)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » February 8th, 2009, 5:55 am

About the Funky song mess up...

This was how it sounded to me (minus the altered pitch and tempo). So... I don't know :|

EDIT: I just found out this glitch doesn't work in NTSC V1.1, but does in V1.0. I don't know about PAL or Japanese PAL though.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby gamer_boy997 » February 21st, 2009, 4:33 am

As mentioned in the 'What video game systems do you own?' thread, I found my SNES. There was a copy of DKC, I tried it out, and it appears the Kongo Jungle warp works! That means it's either V1 or V1.1... any help for which one it is?
Qyzbud wrote:USA
1.0 *** Original DKC release ***
-track platforms in Trick Track Trek drop at the end of their path
-bug allows the trade of another Animal Buddy for Rambi in bonus (Bouncy Bonanza, Orang-utan Gang and Misty Mine)
-Coral Capers midway/continue barrel positioned 10 pixels lower than other versions
1.1 -fixed USA 1.0 exclusive bugs

-track platforms in Trick Track Trek drop at the end of their path: I thought that happened in the VC version.
-bug allows the trade of another Animal Buddy for Rambi in bonus: How do you perform this bug? Or is it automatic?
-Coral Capers midway/continue barrel positioned 10 pixels lower than other versions: I guess I could use this method... although, I'm a little lazy to plug my Wii back in :lol: .

EDIT: Nvm, I read down the thread and found out that Kongfu posted a way to do it.

EDIT 2: The glitch worked, so it appears that I have V1, case closed!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » April 19th, 2009, 1:15 pm

Really subtle change.
In Blazing Bazukas, there's a launching barrel before the midway barrel. In NTSC you can inmediatily control your movement after getting launched, so you can "accidentally" touch the walls and fall before reaching the top. In PAL you can only move when you are near the top, besides you get off-screen.
I'm not sure about Jap but I guess it's the same as PAL.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby The Kirby » April 29th, 2009, 11:45 pm

Two more differences between the versions of DKC3:

1. When you start a new data, the game asks you to input your name. If you play a '1P Game', it'll only ask you for one name, and if you play it in either '2P Team' or '2P Contest', it'll ask you for two names, for each player. If you leave the name blank and press the START button, the game will choose a preset default. For Player One, It's 'Dixie'. However, for Player Two, if you're playing the English versions of DKC3, the default will be 'Kiddy'. In the Japanese versions, it'll be 'Dinky', Kiddy's Japanese name.

2. During the ending sequence where K. Rool is attempting to escape the Queen Banana Bird on a hovercraft, you may notice in some revisions of DKC3 that the waterfall seen at Cotton-Top Cove is missing. This was fixed in Japanese 1.1 and the European version (Odd, perhaps the European version of DKC3 was made after the first Japanese version?)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » April 30th, 2009, 10:58 pm

Thanks to both of you 'K' initialled individuals; I'll check those reports out and add them to the tally at the next opportunity. :)

I will work on a revision guide for the Atlas itself sometime soon, which should be a much more well-organised document than the one in this topic. I'll feature a quick 'which version do you have' guide on the page, too, to offer simple, speedy and straightforward ways to test which revision one has.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » May 16th, 2009, 3:30 pm

Hey did you ever look into the DKC2 Fiery Furnace Bonus Glitch (where you can go below the screen in some versions) and Kiddy's green clothes in the bonus screen if you do the COLOR code? It's been, like, 6 months since I posted those...
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » May 18th, 2009, 9:39 pm

Sorry Blaz, it has been ages. Your observations were good, and deserve to be on the list. It seems that all of DKC2's 1.0 releases edit: both of DKC2's original NTSC releases allowed for navigation beneath the brambles in the Fiery Furnace bonus, but this was addressed for each of the 1.1 updates. Also, it's a bit strange - like you said, Kiddy does keep his blue outfit in the bonus area intro screens... it appears that the only version of DKC3 this was was fixed in was the JAP 1.1 release.

Kirby, your observations all checked out, so they've made it on to the list, too. 8-)

Kiddy, I just checked out your point about the auto-fire barrel in Blazing Bazukas, and I can't see any difference between the USA and EUR versions; I seem to have immediate control no matter which version I'm using... but while checking this, I did notice that Squitter's web attacks can be used to switch the Bazuka's barrel types in the EUR version (and both JAP versions), but not in the USA version. I'll pop that on the list. If you think I've missed your point about the auto-fire barrel in Blazing Bazukas, please let me know!

List updated, thanks again fellas.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » May 19th, 2009, 9:47 am

Mmm... I was pretty sure about it. Maybe my controller was being faulty? :roll: I'll check it again anyway. But you still get off-screen =P
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby The Kirby » May 19th, 2009, 10:28 am

As a correction, 'Beneath the Brambles' was fixed in all PAL versions... it only appears in 1.0 of the USA and JAP versions.

While I was confirming this, I noticed that the Japanese version has the sound setting set to 'Stereo' by default (interestingly, DKC2 is the only DKC game that doesn't save your language/sound settings to SRAM), while all other regions are set to 'Mono'.

I was also unable to replicate Kiddy14's glitch, unless I was doing it incorrectly (shouldn't be Squitter?)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kiddy14 » May 19th, 2009, 2:39 pm

I don't know why or how I couldn't move when I played that time. It probably was a controller bug, or the "getting off-screen" gave me an illusion of not moving until near the top; it was a long time ago.
But while testing I found two other differences (again, just as subtle as DKC3's fan base); in Blazing Bazukas just before the third Bazuka there are two barrels; one is to go to the top barrel and the top barrel is used to get to the rope. In NTSC the kongs can't reach the ceiling over the rope, but in PAL they touch it.
In Ripsaw Rage, there's an invisible barrel under the G that leads to a barrel that continuously launches you to the top, while getting an invincibility barrel. In NTSC when the second barrel launches you it never goes back to its starting position; PAL's barrel does.
Though these are really insignificant =P I don't think they're worth enough to make it to the list... still why would Rare do this littly little changes?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » May 20th, 2009, 3:32 am

I had another thought, Kiddy... it's a bit of a stretch, but maybe you were thinking of that spot in Hornet Hole just after the midway point where you get blasted upwards? In that place, you don't get to control your movement until you are nearly at the top of your boost. It's another spot with Squitter, too... so maybe you were confused based on those similarities...? Otherwise, I dunno.

Still, I took another look at Blazing Bazukas and I checked for the 'getting off-screen' difference you mentioned, and you're definitely right about that; the EUR version seems to have a more powerful blast, which the camera can't quite keep up with. The other Blazing Bazukas barrel blasting thing you mentioned, about being blasted up to the rope in front of the third Bazuka; you're quite right about that... This barrel, too, seems to have a more powerful blast in the EUR (PAL) version than the USA/JAP (NTSC) versions... I've got a feeling there would probably be many more situations like this that have gone unnoticed by us multi-region players, because of how subtle the differences are.

Lastly, that Ripsaw Rage auto-fire barrel - it seems that the USA version is the only one in which the barrel stays pointing upwards; in all other versions, it rotates back to its downwards-pointing starting position. I do wonder why it was changed... I know that object behaviours are reused often in the DKCs... perhaps that same barrel type was used in another level, and for whatever reason it made sense to change its behaviour for that level... not that such a change would make any real difference to gameplay, other than delaying firing slightly, while the barrel rotates into position... :roll:

Kirby, you're absolutely right about the 'beneath the brambles' bug fix. I'll edit the list accordingly. It's interesting what you pointed out regarding DKC2's audio settings... Why it defaults to stereo for the Japanese region releases only is anyone's guess. And DKC/DKC3 save audio/language settings, but DKC2 doesn't? That's quite bizarre and inconsistent.
Interesting info, thanks for sharing. ;)

List fixed and updated again. Gracias, amigos. 8-)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » May 20th, 2009, 5:54 am

I have recently bought the Japanese versions of DKC1 and DKC3, so I'll start looking for more differences between the revisions.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby The Kirby » May 20th, 2009, 7:41 am

There are some differences with K. Rool in DKC (may be worth looking into for other bosses):

1. In the NTSC versions, after K. Rool stops dropping cannon balls, he'll just stand there for a bit before throwing his crown. However, in the PAL versions, he'll throw the crown immediatly.

2. In the Japanese versions, the cannon balls have a longer time gap between them, which makes passing them easier.

3. Also, K. Rool runs more slowly during his first phase in the Japanese versions. Try running away from him as Diddy and you'll notice the difference.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Stone » May 22nd, 2009, 10:10 am

Qyzbud wrote:And DKC/DKC3 save audio/language settings, but DKC2 doesn't? That's quite bizarre and inconsistent.

Not just that, it's annoying, too! ;)

It even lead to (partitially) mono TAS'es, I think. (The newest one missed it after the reset, didn't it?)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » May 26th, 2009, 11:59 pm

Thanks for those Gang-Plank Galleon observations, Kirby. I've added them to the ever-expanding list. ;)

I wonder if Japanese gamers ever knew just how easy they had it? Tompa, that's cool to hear that you obtained the JAP version of DKC - not much use for honing your TAS skills, but it'll be cool to hear what differences you find. Don't forget to kill the Rockkrocs. ;)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » May 27th, 2009, 12:08 am

I'm going to play on two TVs, side by side, one with the USA version and one with the Japanese. That's going to be fun :D.

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby VideoViking » June 2nd, 2009, 3:29 am

In the Japanese version of DKC1, in Mine Cart Madness, a red balloon replaces the banana bunch near the end of the level (jump on the approaching Necky to get an extra boost).
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » June 2nd, 2009, 2:28 pm

Good observation, I'll pop that on my list. :D

While I was verifying, I also noticed there's an extra DK barrel just after midway in the JAP versions, and a few baddies are missing (the Necky immediately after the K, and the middle Zinger on the uphill climb before the banana bunch/red balloon you mentioned).

Also, the cart gets less momentum in the EUR versions, so that long jump near the beginning of the level is a bit more challenging for us PAL gamers.
In fact, it's actually possible for NTSC gamers to land in the waiting mine cart without even using the D-pad!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Gnawzooka » June 2nd, 2009, 7:48 pm

No wonder I always found that so hard. :)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby DK4Ever » June 3rd, 2009, 12:26 pm

Poor PAL gamers... huzzah for the NTSC gamers!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby VideoViking » June 4th, 2009, 5:56 am

I'm playing the DKC1 JP ROM right now, and I have to say, it's been a barrel of a blast uncovering these changes. Now, if only I could find the beta version (as shown on the promotional video). I was told that the beta version is much more challenging, with moved item locations, hundred plus banana cache, and invincible blue Krushas. Man, I gotta find that one. Anyway...

Elevator Antics has earlier DK barrels this time around.

- First one next to bonus entry 1.
- Two banana bunches instead of one close to halfway point on rope
- Second one past the continue point with a banana bunch
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby The Kirby » June 5th, 2009, 5:01 am

I have something to contribute that may shed some light on how SNES games were released.

I've been fiddling around a bit with a hex editor on a game called Mr. Nutz for the SNES. This game has four versions: USA, PAL E, JAP, and what seems to be an NTSC BETA. Interestingly, each version of Mr. Nutz contains dummied text in ASCII at the very beginning of the ROM. Each version's text contains contact information, however, two of the versions (USA and JAP) also has information regarding when it was created and what version it was:

USA: "NTSC version 11 jan 94 - MR NUTZ produced by Pierre ADANE & Philippe DESSOLY. If you want to contact us then write to: Pierre ADANE - BP 67 - 94242 l'Hay les roses cedex - France"

JAP: "NTSC version 20 june 94 - MR NUTZ produced by Pierre ADANE & Philippe DESSOLY. If you want to contact us then write to: Pierre ADANE - BP 67 - 94242 l'Hay les roses cedex - France"

*The other two versions contain the same text, except what's in bold.*

*The word 'version' may be referring to it being the NTSC version or version 11/20. If the latter, than that would be rather strange, but I doubt it; it probably refers to the day of the month it was created.*

*The title screen for the different versions show the dates as 1993 for the PAL E and BETA, and 1994 for the USA and JAP.*

According to GameFAQ's ( it lists the release dates for the USA and PAL versions as 1994 (which contradicts the PAL version's in-game release date), but it interestingly gives an exact date for the JAP version, 10/07/94, which contradicts what the dummied text at the beginning of the ROM says.

Of course, I'm only basing this off of what GameFAQ's says... I haven't looked around the internet to see if other sites have different release dates for this game's different regional releases. But if GameFAQs' release dates are correct, it may explain why the real "creation dates" of some games don't fit with the actual release dates. The BETA being an NTSC may bolster my earlier theory that developers will try to create a game in that format first.

However, the one thing that doesn't fit with DKC is that Mr. Nutz' PAL version appears to have actually been created before the USA version, whereas DKC is the other way around. I can't think of any way of explaining this, but it's possible that the company that made Mr. Nutz originally planned the game to be released exclusively in Europe, but decided to release it in America as well, due to the BETA being NTSC anyway, they wouldn't have to go through that much effort to 'convert' it for an American audience. Oddly enough, there are some other PAL-exclusive games, such as Daze Before Christmas by Funcom, which was never released outside of Europe. Not sure if Funcom is a European company like Rare and Mr. Nutz' creators.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » July 20th, 2009, 5:34 pm

So I was playing the Japanese 1.1 version of DKC2, and I found an obvious difference. In Kong Kollege, after saving for the first time, it only costs one Banana Coin instead of two, which is what it is in American versions (and possibly others, I haven't bothered to check). Please note that I haven't looked at Japanese 1.0 yet -- just 1.1.


But strangely, Funky's Flights still costs 2 coins like in the American version (and again, possibly others, I have no idea what it is in the European/Australian versions).


Even stranger, in the Japanese version of Donkey Kong Land 2 (which they call Donkey Kong Land, not to be confused with the English Donkey Kong Land), Kong Kollege is still 2 coins!

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » September 19th, 2009, 2:56 am

I've spent most of my day comparing the US and the JP versions of DKC. And here are "some" changed that I found. Some of them has been mentioned in the topic already, but as they aren't displayed in the list, I'll write them again.

General Stuff:
There's a ! after the World Level name if you've found all bonuses.
There's also a ! after a beaten boss stage.

Vulture Culture: The Mini Necky at the end of the level has been removed.

Clam City: One less Bitesize at the O.

Ice Age Alley: Mini Necky at start doesn't shoot a nut at once. Might be the same case with all mini neckies.
Second Klap Trap after the steel keg has been removed.

Croctopus Chase: One Squidge at the end has been removed.

Torchlight Trouble:
One extra Krusha before the "Close to exit sign", number 5 after the first bonus.

Oil Drum Alley: First Kritter has been removed.
A total of three kritters have been removed around the O before the midway keg.
Second Kritter after the first Manky Kong has been removed.
Kritter removed after the pair of Manky Kongs.
First Kritter removed after the kritter mentioned above.
The fire in the oil drums is gone around one second longer.
There's a lot more space between the barrels the Manky Kong throws at the end.

Trik Trak Trek: one Mini Necky removed at the end of the first ride.
The second DK-barrel has been moved slighty to the right.
The first Necky after the DK-barrel mentioned above, has been removed.
The moving platform stays when it reaches the end, instead of falling down.

Elevator Antics: A DK-barrel has been added outside the first bonus
One Slippa removed at the end of the first tunnel.
One Slippa removed at the start of the second tunnel, at the zingers.
An extra banana bunch at the end of the rope after the two zingers moving horizontally.
One slippa removed after the rope mentioned above.
A DK-barrel has been added after the midway barrel, above the banan bunch
One Klump removed at the second steel keg.
Another Klumpe removed above the other one.
One steel keg added after the above mentioned Klump.
First mini necky after the midway barrel has been removed.

Poison Pond: A Bitesize before the first tire has been removed.
Another one removed before the first two horizontal tires.
And one moved after the tires mentioend above.
First Squidge removed at the second DK-barrel.
Second Squidge before the O is removed.
Second Squidge after the O is removed.
The two vertical tired at the second Enguarde has been changed to one horizontal.
A Bitesize removed under the second tire circle.
A tire removed below the above mentioned Bitesize.
The tires at the vertical shaft close to the end are moving slighty bit slower. This may be the case with more tires.
The fast Bitsize in the end have been slowed down a bit.

Mine Cart Madness: The fifth Necky that has been removed is after the K, not the N.
DK-barrel has been added after the midway barrel.

Blackout Basement: It's dark for 46 frames and light for 77 frames. Compared to the US-version, 62 and 62.
A regular barrel has been added after the midway barrel.
The first Klap Trap in the trio has been removed.
A DK barrel has been added to the first bonus.
Klap Trap at the exit is removed.

Tanked up Trouble: The first Gnawty has been removed.
The first Gnawty at the N has been removed.
The middle Zinger at the banana bunch has been removed.

Manic Mincers:
The lower tire at the Rambi box has been removed.

Loopy Lights: A Klap Trap removed after the first tire.
A DK-barrel added before the Necky.

Platform Perils: First Army has been removed.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » October 12th, 2009, 6:09 pm

I've somewhat tried to do the same thing with DKC2, but I don't know the game perfectly well to spot the changes between the revisions...
I did notice one thing in the Japanese version though. During the Krow fight, after he has dropped the eggs during the first phase, he always goes down at the same position. In the US version, he always goes down where the camera ends. (If that made any sense)
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » October 28th, 2010, 7:41 am

Major bumping time.
Even though the first post hasn't been updated with the stuff I wrote before, I'm adding one more thing just because :).
In my TAS, seen here I'm using some weird glitching in the first level. The glitches work in all versions, but in all other versions than US 1.0, the warp (By putting the barrel down using Donkey Kong) will take you to Bouncy Bonanza instead of Torchlight Trouble as seen in the TAS.

Not sure how that can be said easily with like one sentence... But not it's here in the topic where it belongs at least :). I should start and find more stuff in the games though.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » October 28th, 2010, 2:40 pm

Good stuff, Tompa! I guess I'd better get to work updating that first post, eh? :P

I've added your observations, Tompa. Normally I'd go through and verify them, but I've learnt to trust your accuracy on such things. :D
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » October 28th, 2010, 8:40 pm

Hey, can you do me a favor and look into my observations (from a few posts up) too? I posted that more than a year ago, but I don't think that you've seen it yet... thanks!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » October 29th, 2010, 6:40 am

Qyzbud wrote:I've added your observations, Tompa. Normally I'd go through and verify them, but I've learnt to trust your accuracy on such things. :D

But still you put a star on them so you can check them later on? ;).

I guess it doesn't hurt that someone else confirms some of these, even though I doubt I've made any errors with my observations.

Also, a way to check on the cart which version it is could be a good thing to add. On the back of the cartridge, there's a little stamp with a number on it. If it's for example "20", it is the 1.0 version of the game. If you see it as "20A", you have the 1.1 version. I'm currently unsure what it says on 1.2 versions of the game (Player's Choice version I believe), but I would guess it is a B instead of A.
The numbers and letters are the same with both the US, PAL and JP versions. The stamp is on different locations though.
US: Between "IMPORTANT" and "MODEL NO."
PAL: Upright corner
JP: Upright corner

If anyone has the 1.2 US version of the game, can you please locate this number and tell what it says?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby HavocReaper48 » October 29th, 2010, 8:32 am

I've checked between IMPORTANT and MODEL NO. and there's a " 091 " number?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tompa » October 29th, 2010, 8:41 am

Was that for the Player's Choice version? Or else I find it interesting that there are three numbers instead of the usual two that I've seen =).
Otherwise, that should be the 1.0 version.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby SSBMaster11 » January 30th, 2011, 12:04 pm

if I recall correctly, in the competition cartridge, it goes to Reptile Rumble second, and Ropey Rampage third.
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Postby Silent Wolf » July 28th, 2011, 2:16 am

Do you guys know how to differentiate between the versions just by looking at the cartridges? I'm talking about DKC 1 by the way.

I need to know because I have a newer version but need version 1.0 so I can speed run the game to its full potential. I know some cartridges have that gold ribbon on it, is that its own version?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kingizor » July 28th, 2011, 2:33 am

Silent Wolf wrote:how to differentiate between the versions just by looking at the cartridges?

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Silent Wolf » July 29th, 2011, 2:59 am


So I asked someone on ebay what their number says in hopes of coming accross a version 1.0 cartridge, adn they said that there's has 19 on it. (US Version)

Any idea which version that is?
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Kingizor » July 29th, 2011, 3:11 am

All Nintendo cartridges use the same format. I imagine the number would be something to do with the batch in which it was produced? (Unimportant)

The letters indicate the version of the game. If the numbers are followed by an "A", the cartridge would be v1.1, if it were "B" it would be v1.2, and so on. The absence of a letter indicates that the cartridge is v1.0.

Usually the cartridge has to be held under a certain light for the stamp to be seen properly.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 3rd, 2011, 5:05 am

Yeah, if I could chip in, I can confirm that the Player's Choice Donkey Kong Country cartridge does say "19B" on the back. Player's Choice DKC2 says "11A" and Player's Choice DKC3 just says "08". Hm. And on ANOTHER note, while Rare's logo appears on the cartridge for DKC and DKC2, it is strangely absent on DKC3 (these are all still Player's Choice.) I wonder why! (?)

I would never part with my DKC cartridges. <33
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » January 12th, 2013, 1:02 am

Well now! It's been over two years since I last updated the original post of this topic... finally I'm back in an active capacity on the forum, and have made that long-awaited update for the new year! A big thanks to Blaziken257 for reminding me, but being ever so patient at the same time! Not to mention all the great contributions you've made by way of DKC2 difference discoveries... my hat is off to you sir. :banana:

Blaziken257 wrote:Hey, can you do me a favor and look into my observations (from a few posts up) too? I posted that more than a year ago, but I don't think that you've seen it yet... thanks!

My most humble apologies for overlooking your interesting observations for so long — you've been very patient!

Wrinkly does indeed charge only a single Banana Coin for subsequent saves in each world — both in JAP 1.0 and 1.1. Half-price game saving... yet another case of things being super-convenient for thrifty Japanese gamers. ;)

Tompa wrote:
Qyzbud wrote:I've added your observations, Tompa. Normally I'd go through and verify them, but I've learnt to trust your accuracy on such things.

But still you put a star on them so you can check them later on? ;)

Haha, I'm sure you know that was not the case! It was just a way to show the newest updates, and so that I could credit you for your contribution. Imagine that... how could I possibly doubt the observational skills of the great Tompa! :lol:

There are other differences I've yet to post, but I think I'm mostly up to date with what's been posted in this topic. Please remind me of any I've missed, and keep posting more as you find/remember/hear of them!

Thanks guys, I won't be so slack this time!
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Blaziken257 » January 22nd, 2013, 4:39 pm

Thanks for getting around to adding that DKC2 difference! Now I'm posting to mention a DKC3 difference that I recently found...

It's in Krevice Kreepers, not too far into the level. In the North American version, there is a floating balloon in a gap to the right of some Klasps. On the top of this gap, there is nothing (although I guess the balloon would end up here if it didn't end up offscreen from jumping up the ropes):

Image Image

In the European and Japanese versions (I only tried Japanese 1.1, not 1.0 so far), the balloon does not start on the bottom, but instead is hidden on the top of the gap. It's where the lone banana is -- which is not seen in the North American version:

Image Image Image

EDIT: Oh wow, I forgot to mention a second difference that I found. This glitch doesn't work in the European or Japanese versions. (Well, I have yet to try Japanese 1.0, but I know that it doesn't work in Japanese 1.1.)

Here's a screenshot from the European version, where you can see that it doesn't work (the Japanese version would be identical here):

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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » January 24th, 2013, 1:27 pm

Thanks for the reports — I've updated the original post. :swanky:

That red balloon was a pretty tricky one to get in its original spot, wasn't it?! :shock:
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Techiyo » February 13th, 2013, 12:44 am

There is another difference in DKC2, from US to japanese. In haunted hall, above the last bonus, there is only 1 zinger in the japanese instead of 2 in the US version. I don't know about European, but I'd guess there's 2 there as well.
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Re: DKC SNES Trilogy: Differences between revisions

Postby Qyzbud » February 13th, 2013, 1:39 am

Thanks for the report, Techiyo — and welcome to the Atlas. :)

I've added this difference to the list.
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