Creating a new DKC plotline

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Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 12th, 2009, 5:35 pm

Lol. Hay hay everyone! I found this fake code thing on the DKC2 forum and wanted to do something like this. There is a posting limit. 20 paragraphs, with correct paragraphing. When you`re full leave a, "..." at the end so people can take over. Make it really wild, and who knows, maybe Rare`ll find this. Anyway, I`ll begin.
It was a dark and stormy night in South Lake Tahoe, CA. They were staying at Motel 8. Donkey Kong was sleeping, and Diddy & Dixie Kong were making out. (Duh, boyfriend & girlfriend) But, they were also staying there with Tiny, Chunky, and Kiddy Kong.
Tiny decided she wanted to go for a walk. She didn`t want DK or her love-hungry sister and her sisters future husband to know. Kiddy and Tiny were planning to go on the walk together, so they`d be safe. But, Chunky would go, too.
At 1:00 AM, the 3 naughty monkeys snuck out.
"Yep, they don`t have a clue we`re going out of here," said Tiny.
"Yes, but I was afraid that Did & Dix would still be up doing, well, that," replied Chunky.
They did manage to escape. But little did they know, King K. Rool was stating at the Embassy Suites there.
Hmmm, he thought, those kids are out late, and it looks like they`re heading to the casinos.
"Aren`t they a little to young to be gambling?" he whispered to himself. But just then, he soon realized something, and it was crazy.
"Oh my G... that`s Tiny, Kiddy, and Chunky! I can capture them... What casino are they gonna go to?"
They walked into the Montbleu.
"Ah, the Montbleu. Better draw a quick sketch of how I`m gonna capture them."
His sketch showed...
See if you can do your part in this post! What will it be? It`s your choice.
-Cheers, SmudgeKWOOD
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby The Guy » May 13th, 2009, 2:57 am

... him putting an Acid proof bucket full of superacids on top of the door at the casino.

However, this was a mistake, as someone else opened the door and died. He glanced to his right and saw that Tiny and co. were just walking around in circles for no reason.

He decided to use his...
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby Jomingo » May 13th, 2009, 10:43 am

...copy of the Villains Handy Guide to Evil to find an evil plot that applied to his situation. When he reached chapter 7: Large UnNecessary Nets he formulated an evil plot to destroy the kongs once and for all. He took a large unnecessary net and caught the three mischievious kongs. Upon returning to his evil castle, he stuffed the kongs into a big cage and started planning his trap for the rest of the kongs that would surely come looking for the trio. Just then, he heard a knock at the door behind him and turned to see...
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 13th, 2009, 2:52 pm

Hay hay!
"... turned to see..."
His mom.
"Hi, sonny!" she said. "I made you cookies."
"YOUR cookies! Oh my gosh, I love your cookies! Yummmmy!"
Then, he left with his mom.
"Don`t worry. They`ll find us, hopefully," slyly whispered Kiddy.
The next morning, DK woke up and was the first to notice. He ran over to Diddy and Dixies bed.
"Whadayawant?" they asked.
"Hey lovebirds. *pant* WAKE UP! Tiny, Chunky, and Kiddy ARE GONE!
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Oh, wow!" they yelled.
"Let`s look. Dixie, check the casinos. Diddy, hotels. I`ll go visit the western part, near that Off the Hook sushi place. Ya know, Off the Hook, Whiskey Dicks, etc."
And they were off. An hour later, they met up.
Diddy spoke first.
"Guys. Look, a note. It says that K. Rool was planning capture them and take them to his castle in Stockton, CA. We have to go there."
And so, Diddy, Dixie, and DK, furious that those 3 mouse brained monkeys snuck out at 1 AM, but still missed them, set off for the journey.
Congratulations! The intro is finished! Now, we make walkthroughs for levels. Go to the IGN FAQ page for DKC1 and find the one which does this format:
Bonus rooms
Animal Friend
Difficulty. (Out of 10)
That`s how we`re gonna do it. But first, the first world will have six levels, the Kong places (Funky, Cranky, etc) and a boss. The first world is called Lake Tahoe, duh! But, don`t start it yet. I`ll do the first level. For right now, let`s come up with 10 animal buddies and the items, controls, etc. Cheers, SmudgeKWOOD
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 13th, 2009, 4:11 pm

Hay hay! Oh, here are some of the old animal buddies and one I made up. But, I need YOU to make up the rest. BUT, you have to be approved by me in my create the next (or a) animal buddy topic in the General DKC discussion forum. Anyway, here are 6 of the 10 animals:
Squawks (misspelled)
Scratchy (See create the next [or a] animal buddy topic)
I need 4 more. Also, I have the boss for the Lake Tahoe world, (we`ll call it cities instead of worlds) and the ally helpers. We`re not at the boss, but here`s the ally helpers: (some don`t help that much)
Funky`s Airplanes Inc.
Swanky`s Game Show Network
Candy`s Save Point II
Cranky`s Tip Centre
Bazzar`s Bargains
Okay, see ya later.
-Cheers, SmudgeKWOOD
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 13th, 2009, 6:12 pm

by the way When I said the intro part was done I didn`t mean the plotline was done. I`ll show you what I mean by continuing the story.
So, DK, Diddy, and Dixie went off. But, DK wanted to go to Jamba Juice. So, Diddy and Dixie walked a bit until they reached a cabin that was for sale by 20/20 cabins.
"Well, we gotta go in the Tahoe Keys," said Dixie.
"Yup, but it should be really easy," Diddy replied.
Tahoe Keys
Bonus levels 1-2
Animal helpers: Scratchy
Difficulty: 1/10
You`ll start the level with the couple on the street. Walk a bit, and you`ll find a Kritter. Jump on him, but bounce off holding ←, and you`ll be in a bonus barrel.
BONUS! Expresso race
Here you have to run and jump over rocks in a crash course race against Expresso`s brother, Eggspresso. It`s very easy, actually. Collect the coin afterwards.
Back in the real level, you`ll be on top of the post office. Do a roll jump of the edge of the building to collect an extra life. Now kill the Sneaks. Now there`ll be a bee and a keg. It regenerates, so no worries. This bee is pretty big, and it`s a Zinger, only twice the normal size. Throw the barrel at him. But, nothing should happen. Try again. He`ll die, revealing the DK coin, one in each level. Collect it. Now, bounce off the sneak to get a K coin. Collect the K, O, N, & G coins to get an extra life. Proceed on the street until the companies stop appering and normal houses do. Throw your partner using the team throw and get your partner on top of the roof of the only brick house. You`ll find the O coin and a Scratchy barrel. Walk into it, and turn into Scratchy. Now, break the halfway barrel. Look, a green house. Jump on the sneak on the doghouse and land on it. Now, run and press X to do Diddy`s cartwheel and then jump. Hopefully, you`ll land on it. On the house you will find...
I`ll end there. Happy creating! Don`t forget about the N and G coins, life ballons, the 2nd bonus, the no Scratchy sign, etc. Come up with something for the end
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Re: Creating a new DKC plotline

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 14th, 2009, 3:07 pm

Hay hay! Before I continue, I`d just like to say this: The game is not side scrolling, like Mario games, but 3-D all direction games, like Tony Hawk Games. Also, the storyline outside of the walkthroughs are real cutscenes. Just an for your information. Now, lemme continue...
the N coin and the 2nd bonus barrel. This time, it`s Animal vs. Kremling, where you have to play as the animal and fight each other. Last man standing wins. The jump button is disabled, so use Diddy`s Cartwheel to win this easily. Collect the coin.
You`re back on the road, and ahead is a Kritter and a Kobble patrolimg and "guarding" the G coin. Jump on them both and get the G coin. You now have all 4 coins, so you get an extra life. Look ahead... OH NOOOOOOO! A no Scratchy sign. Wah. Oh well, cross it and get the green ballon, 2 lives! Ahead, you`ll see a board. Walk up to it, and the Kong(s) will stamp a stamp on the board and leave the level. Congrats. 1 level is complete. LOLZ. What? A cutscene? Sweeeeeeet!
Back at Jamba Juice...
"So you want a supremely healthy banana smoothy with a banana cream pie smoothy and a pink banana-aid?"
DK was ordering drinks for everyone, including himself.
"$8 please."
DK payed up.
"Have a nice day!"
"You too, madam." politly responded DK as he walked out the door. But, soon he seemed to hit a wall.
"Wait, isn`t there an open pathway?" He looked around. "Wait, I`m in a cage. Hold on, there`s a window. I`ll set my drinks here ang look out there."
Also what he noticed a sticker that said Stockton, CA.
When DK did walk to the window, he saw something crazy.
"Hey, looks like the person who captured me... Oh mu Ga, that`s....
Who is it? That`s for only you to say. Cheers
On Probation
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