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How to convert par codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 3:22 am
by thetoad1
I understand that i have to have colon before the last to numbers of par code. But i dont understand what i have to do after that for gg-hex?

Re: How to convert pal codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 19th, 2011, 7:00 pm
by Simion32
Excuse me? Could you please explain that question a little better? You look like a spam bot.

Game Genie codes are an encrypted format and AFAIK they cannot be directly converted to PAR codes.

Re: How to convert pal codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 20th, 2011, 12:45 pm
by thetoad1
Thats what i thought on another forum a guy said this is the program to converal par codes to game genie codes. Not sure if there is a program that will do that?

Re: How to convert par codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 20th, 2011, 4:39 pm
by Simion32
I think I understand your question now. :P

Get gg-hex here:
Unfortunately this thing is a command-line utility, so it's a bit difficult for beginners to use.

Here's how to use it:
Put the following into Notepad:
Code: Select all

And save this as "run_gg.bat" (minus those quotes, of course). Be sure to select All Files on the Save as type... menu before hitting save.
Also, make sure it's in the same folder as gg-hex.

Now, double-click the "run_gg.bat" file. A command window will open, and you should now be able to enter a code and see the output.

Note: SNES PAR codes that begin with 7E or 7F will NOT work on a real SNES Game Genie. This is because those numbers indicate RAM, which the Game Genie cannot modify.

Re: How to convert par codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 20th, 2011, 4:49 pm
by thetoad1
Nevermind found out the problem i needed to save somewhere else then move the file in folder. thx simion

Re: How to convert par codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 20th, 2011, 4:52 pm
by Simion32
I have no idea what that could be or how to diagnose it (can't see your screen). Post a screen shot.
Are you sure you don't have an overprotective anti-virus on your PC?

EDIT: Ok, then. You're welcome. :)

Re: How to convert par codes to game genie codes?

PostPosted: February 21st, 2011, 11:30 am
by thetoad1
Another question i found out the value and address. I was wondering how do hackers find out alternative codes for the same code? If that makes sence.