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Rareware’s Inspiration for the Kong Names:

PostPosted: November 30th, 2022, 6:27 am
by WesternTanager794
When Shigeru Miyamoto originally named donkey Kong, he meant donkey as in dumb.

I’d have to check but I don’t think Diddy is a word, but it sounds like giddy.

Dixie refers to the south or the confederacy

Kiddy is self explanatory.

What is everybody else’s opinions on these kongs and all of the other kongs. I’ll be adding more kings soon. :parry:

Re: Rareware’s Inspiration for the Kong Names:

PostPosted: November 30th, 2022, 6:41 am
by Super Luigi!
From what I remember, Diddy is some sort of British word for small. Many of the Kong names also speak for themselves, and here are some examples:

Cranky - He's cranky.
Wrinkly - She's old.
Lanky - He has long arms.
Tiny - She was rather small, but now her name is ironic.
Chunky - He's hefty.

Re: Rareware’s Inspiration for the Kong Names:

PostPosted: November 30th, 2022, 1:53 pm
by WesternTanager794
I also think that Dixie was partly inspired based on the fact that it indicates the confederacy, that it refers to an out of norms video game girl, like Cranky says, not a token video game princess in needing of saving. Thanks, for the explanation on the word Diddy.

Here's more:

Funky, he's well, Funky!

Klubba, hence the club! Never fight him!

K.rool, Kremling Rule?

What was Snide's name based off? It makes me think of sneer, but that's definitely not it. I'll have to look into that!


Re: Rareware’s Inspiration for the Kong Names:

PostPosted: December 4th, 2022, 3:02 pm
by WesternTanager794
Snide is a word!
1. Mocking or derogatory in a malicious or ironic way.
2. Making or given to making snide remarks.
3. Tricky; deceptive; contemptible

Re: Rareware’s Inspiration for the Kong Names:

PostPosted: February 12th, 2025, 12:49 am
by Termingamer2-JD
Snide is a UK word for snitch or backstabber. Or just generally contemptious.
Also, "Manky" Kong means that he stinks/is dirty/is just kinda tacky overall. So yeah.

If we're extending this to levels and worlds:

- Cape "Codswallop" from DKL3... codswallop means "nonsense/rubbish". lol
- Red Wharf from DKL3 is a pun on a British comedy show, Red Dwarf
- Manic Mincers from DKC1 is a pun on Manic Miner, an old ZX spectrum game and a nod to Rare's Ultimate days
- "Skidda's Row" is possibly a nod to the band "Skid Row" - who did a song called "Monkey Business", which lends further credence to this being true
- "Squeals on Wheels" is a pun on "Meals on Wheels", a service for the elderly in several countries including the UK
- K2 is the name of a mountain, hence "K3". (The best world in the entire trilogy)