Working on the title...
My name is Steve and thanks to the wonderful people of DKA I was able to create a video.
The first video I made was based on Mr. X. I gathered the pics from here and incorporated them into
a video along with the theories. Not all of the theories are accurate.
I'm currently working on a second video showcasing the unused sprites that you guys found.
However..I could use some help...
First, I apologize for taking your pics without permission. If I could please get a list of the people who discovered the Mr. X and sprite sheets(one with TNT Koptar, etc.) so that I can give the appropriate credits.
Next, I need an explanation of the colors in the beta sprite sheets. Which are used and which are not.
I'm planning a third video to top off my trilogy so any ideas are appreciated!
Finally, as you can see the first video is just a slideshow. My editing skills are lackluster so I encourage someone to make
a better video that includes the first video and the other two that I plan to make.