DKC ROM Offsets (Sprite Tilemap/Animation Routines, etc.)

The addresses in this post are for the V1.0 U ROM, but the other versions should have addresses in close proximity to these. Feel free to reply with your questions if you can't understand what all of this mumbo-jumbo means. I know from the past that I'm not very great at explaining things the first time through.
3BCC9C-3BF78F Sprite tilemap/graphic pointers (2,749 pointers, each is 4 bytes)
All of the pointers are in SNES HiROM format, which means you'll have to subtract C00000 from the pointer to get the true PC address.
Sprite tilemap format(used throughout DKC trilogy)
Byte 1: number of 2x2 tiles in tilemap
Byte 2: number of 1x1 tiles in tilemap
Byte 3: start of 1x1 graphics
Byte 4: relative starting offset of graphics(10= start at second tile)
Byte 5: unused byte?
Byte 6: First tile to use for second group of graphics
Byte 7: where to place this group(10=second row in RAM)
Byte 8: number of 1x1 tile graphics group 2 is comprised of
Byte 9: X-coordinate of first tile
Byte 10: Y-coordinate of first tile
Byte 11: X-coordinate of second tile
Byte 12: Y-coordinate of second tile
...etc., until start of graphics
3E8572-3E88E1 Animation sequence pointers (440 pointers, each is two bytes)
3E88E2-3EEF50 Animation sequences
Animation sequence format
LL ss SS LL ss SS LL ss SS ... 80 00
LL: Length of time to display frame (00-7F)
ss SS: Sprite pointer relative to $3BCC9C (low, high)
Animation sequence scripts(many are still unknown)
These scripts are placed before the animation frame on which they are executed.
80 00: end of animation (loops to beginning)
81 ll mm hh: jump to ASM subroutine at hhmmll
82 oo OO: jumps to animation sequence at offset OOoo
83 ll mm: jumps to ASM subroutine at mmll (unknown trigger)
84 ll mm hh: jump to ASM subroutine at hhmmll when object turns around
85 LL ss SS -- --:
86 LL ss SS -- -- xx XX yy YY:
87 LL ss SS xx XX yy YY:
88 xx XX yy YY:
8B LL ss SS xx XX yy YY:
8C -- --:
8D -- -- -- --:
8E ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame
8F ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame(different channel?)
90 ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame(different channel?)
3CC388-3CC3D5 Title screen/map screen/Kong family animation sequence pointers (78 pointers, each is 2 bytes)
3CC3D6-3CEF99 Title screen/map screen/Kong family animation sequences
Title screen/map screen animation sequence format(much is still unknown)
00 00 00 00 ll LL ss SS 00 00 00 00 ll LL ss SS ... 00 00 00 00 FE FF
ll LL: Length of time to display frame (000-7FF)
ss SS: Sprite pointer relative to $3BCC9C (low, high)
FE FF: end of animation (loops to beginning)
As a bonus, many of the unused sprites I've found after weeks of spelunking through the DKC ROM can be found in this topic. Enjoy!
3BCC9C-3BF78F Sprite tilemap/graphic pointers (2,749 pointers, each is 4 bytes)
All of the pointers are in SNES HiROM format, which means you'll have to subtract C00000 from the pointer to get the true PC address.
Sprite tilemap format(used throughout DKC trilogy)
Byte 1: number of 2x2 tiles in tilemap
Byte 2: number of 1x1 tiles in tilemap
Byte 3: start of 1x1 graphics
Byte 4: relative starting offset of graphics(10= start at second tile)
Byte 5: unused byte?
Byte 6: First tile to use for second group of graphics
Byte 7: where to place this group(10=second row in RAM)
Byte 8: number of 1x1 tile graphics group 2 is comprised of
Byte 9: X-coordinate of first tile
Byte 10: Y-coordinate of first tile
Byte 11: X-coordinate of second tile
Byte 12: Y-coordinate of second tile
...etc., until start of graphics
3E8572-3E88E1 Animation sequence pointers (440 pointers, each is two bytes)
3E88E2-3EEF50 Animation sequences
Animation sequence format
LL ss SS LL ss SS LL ss SS ... 80 00
LL: Length of time to display frame (00-7F)
ss SS: Sprite pointer relative to $3BCC9C (low, high)
Animation sequence scripts(many are still unknown)
These scripts are placed before the animation frame on which they are executed.
80 00: end of animation (loops to beginning)
81 ll mm hh: jump to ASM subroutine at hhmmll
82 oo OO: jumps to animation sequence at offset OOoo
83 ll mm: jumps to ASM subroutine at mmll (unknown trigger)
84 ll mm hh: jump to ASM subroutine at hhmmll when object turns around
85 LL ss SS -- --:
86 LL ss SS -- -- xx XX yy YY:
87 LL ss SS xx XX yy YY:
88 xx XX yy YY:
8B LL ss SS xx XX yy YY:
8C -- --:
8D -- -- -- --:
8E ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame
8F ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame(different channel?)
90 ??: Play sound effect ?? on the following animation frame(different channel?)
3CC388-3CC3D5 Title screen/map screen/Kong family animation sequence pointers (78 pointers, each is 2 bytes)
3CC3D6-3CEF99 Title screen/map screen/Kong family animation sequences
Title screen/map screen animation sequence format(much is still unknown)
00 00 00 00 ll LL ss SS 00 00 00 00 ll LL ss SS ... 00 00 00 00 FE FF
ll LL: Length of time to display frame (000-7FF)
ss SS: Sprite pointer relative to $3BCC9C (low, high)
FE FF: end of animation (loops to beginning)
As a bonus, many of the unused sprites I've found after weeks of spelunking through the DKC ROM can be found in this topic. Enjoy!