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Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 10th, 2023, 12:48 pm
by rainbowsprinklez
This is AneSDK, a super challenging J hack of Super Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Country). Shoutouts to my friend MrCatalyser who inspired me to make this as well as helping me out when I was in a pinch. Thank you bud!

This was started on the channel before, but I never finished. This is complete and mostly blind. There is an 'alt' version of the K Rool fight. I'll be publishing that shortly.

This is a wild ride. The sound glitches out because of something in 2-5. This can't be controlled. I have no doubt you can tolerate it. I did :) It's actually kind of funny in places.

This run is crazy! I hope you enjoy!

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 10th, 2023, 1:06 pm
by WesternTanager794
In the words of a certain DK64 announcer, "Well Done!".
I have a suspicion that glitched sprites caused by rom hacking are by having "incompatible?"(Is that a thing?) sprites together. Or by having too many objects loaded. Because in DKC2, there was something like you can have up to seven objects loaded at once. I don't know what applies to that though. It was very fun to watch, Rainbow Sprinklez. :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 10th, 2023, 7:03 pm
by WesternTanager794
Here's an idea! Rom Hack Remixes!

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 10th, 2023, 7:38 pm
by WesternTanager794
Also, i've always wanted to create a rom hack, but i have always been scared to go down that rabbit hole. good level design is very difficult to me and i almost never get inspiration that doesn't copy someone else. i don't have the mental stamina to do it. even with the remarkable tools that are out there, my issue of perfectionism prevents from attempting an project that would end up being impossible. the mental fatigue of tilemapping and other things would get to me immediately. it makes me really sad. i would want to make ahack that is difficult, and optimized for speed running. also i would import tilemaps from the other games as well as enemies. i just would be terrible in the end at rom hacking. i wish it was otherwise. even the project i am working on right now dkc4 is taking a massive toll on me mentally. just thinking about the amount of work it will take makes me depressed and light headed. even now the enormity of this project depresses me. this project has to be perfect. it needs to be the finale of the dkc trilogy games. i physically can't do it ever again. it has to be better than any dkc game out there. otherwise it's not worth my time. i'm going to figure out how to cheer myself up. and if that fails, im just going to go to sleep. sorry for the poor grammar it's hard to type on a tv. very slow going. this took me at least half an hour. :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 10th, 2023, 11:55 pm
by rainbowsprinklez
No worries! I get incredibly overwhelmed too. The best thing for me when I get overwhelmed is to break the project into manageable parts. Tilemaps, banana maps, object maps, and cameras all together are enough to overwhelm anybody. If you just focus on 1 at a time though, 1 world or 1 level at a time, that monumental task looks so much easier!

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 11th, 2023, 5:35 am
by WesternTanager794
Thank you, Rainbow Sprinklez. I think it would be best for me to break it up into individual levels.

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 12th, 2023, 12:17 am
by rainbowsprinklez
WesternTanager794 wrote:Here's an idea! Rom Hack Remixes!

Like this? :P

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 12th, 2023, 1:22 am
by rainbowsprinklez
Alt K Rool :)

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: March 12th, 2023, 6:07 am
by WesternTanager794
I love it! the broken aquatic ambience isn't half bad! Is there a way to replicate it so I can save the whole soundtrack? Recording it by pausing the game. Thanks for the link! :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 23rd, 2023, 8:55 pm
by Quaraage
Already a full TAS exists (Exactly I made it 5 yrs ago)

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 23rd, 2023, 9:30 pm
by WesternTanager794
I completely forgot about this hack! And well done on the TAS. I've always wondered this, though, why do none of the tases of DKC use Funky start, Funky's plane in the overworld from DK's treehouse to Kongo Jungle? :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 12:24 am
by Quaraage
That is US 1.0 exclusive.

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 1:59 am
by rainbowsprinklez
Quaraage wrote:Already a full TAS exists (Exactly I made it 5 yrs ago)

Yeah. I know this. I just created a LOTAD for fun.

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 6:40 am
by WesternTanager794
I forgot about that! Is there a reason for using U1.1 in tases? :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 11:19 am
by rainbowsprinklez
I usually see 1.0... are you talking about dkc2? if I recall correctly, that's used for wrong warps to speed up the game

If you are talking about the Tompa 101 TAS not having the glitch, that was made before that glitch was discovered

That glitch was discovered after those TASES

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 12:02 pm
by WesternTanager794
I’m talking about dkc1 and I was referring to tompas tas. I thought it was new. :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 8:43 pm
by rainbowsprinklez
Ok... that glitch aside, what else screamed 1.1 to you? Or was that it?

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 24th, 2023, 8:58 pm
by WesternTanager794
I don't even remember anymore! :facepalm: :dixiehappy: One solved mystery is that a rom that we thought was 1.1 and was marked with the A and whatever number, (which I still think it is), seems to be 1.0. If I remember correctly, you could do Funky start, and you can slap into barrels. Stand next to a barrel and get your buddy stuck in there. Why was 1.2 released? Was 1.1 still that buggy? :parry:

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 25th, 2023, 3:35 am
by Tompa
There have been times when people have changed the casing of the cartridge, to replace a bad-looking copy. In such scenario, the version number on it might not match the ROM inside.

And generally about version differences: you've seen the topic here about the differences. 1.1U only fixed minor things in version 1.2U, so yeah 1.1U is still quite buggy.

Re: Ane SDK [LOTAD] (01:49:12)

PostPosted: May 25th, 2023, 8:45 am
by WesternTanager794
It was my mother's rom and games and console. So I don't know. It all still works, luckily! That's the first time you've been back in years! Hasn't it? Great that someone else has returned! :parry: