A5 1C LDA $1C //Load music value
F0 05 BEQ $FAFF49 //If zero, skip to RTS
8D 04 20 STA $2004 //Store music value in MSU1 audio track register
64 1C STZ $1C //Set music value to zero
60 RTS //return from subroutine
Phyreburnz wrote:I got it patched (I think correctly) but it won't work. I've never been able to get any patched roms to run.
Bsnes won't recognize it at all and higen will open it, but do nothing with it. It's just a black screen.
46 ; We need to status check here. If the track is no good, then we need to branch to PlayNonMSUTrack
47 LDA $2000 ;Load A into MSU_Status
48 AND #$08 ;AND the error bit
49 BNE PullAAndPlay ;If the error bit is set, the audio track is missing
50 PLA ;Pull A off the stack
51 RTL ;Return to where we were in code
54 PLA ;Pull A off the stack
55 BRA PlayNonMSUTrack ;Play the non-MSU track
57 PlayNonMSUTrack:
58 STA $2140 ;Load the bgm command normally into $2140
59 STA $0133 ;Also set it here
60 PHA ;Push A onto the stack
61 LDA #$00 ;
62 STA $2007 ;Make the MSU-1 stop playing audio
63 PLA ;Pull A off the stack
64 RTL ;Return
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