I would like to thank everyone who has made DKC-Atlas.com possible.
Latest release v3.0.2, checksum AF302BEE
2 minute trailer
The goal of this project was to create a new, much more difficult game, all while still feeling professionally polished, as if it could have been an official release all along. No Kaizo gameplay here (except maybe in the 1st world), folks, but still lots of new puzzles. Also, any and all tile hacking is done as smoothly and seamlessly as possible.
>> DKC2:HAK is for players who blaze through DKC2. If you cannot achieve 102% in less than 2:30, then this patch might not be for you. But who knows, maybe you might have fun after all, I don't know

- There are no DK Barrels (use BARRALAX!) and only one Star Barrel in the whole game (and it’s semi-hidden).
- Collectibles are fewer and farther between (every single banana should be taken to heart as something deadly serious, whether it be showing you the way to safety or to a secret).
- There are no Bonus Levels. The Lost World can be accessed after retrieving the 75x Kremkoin from Screech, with a technique every bit as intricate as the original technique to release the 75x Kremkoin. (by the way, Screech now knows of your shortcuts, so now he’s got a little shortcut of his own this time around.)
- Most DK Coins are now end-of-level targets, and those that aren’t have been stashed in all new areas (most of them). Since some of these areas can be so hard to find, an extra DK Coin has been hidden in Stronghold Showdown, making it possible to collect 41 DK Coins.
- Note that since there are no Bonus Levels, and the game includes those in the percentage completion calculation, fully completing DKC2:HAK should garnish a percentage of less than 100. Just use your DK Coin count as your "measure of completion."
I was watching someone's Let's Play with my hack, when I realized I forgot to mention:
Before fighting a boss, go to a regular level to get both Kongs, then do Start Select and go back to fighting the boss. The 2nd Kong does not auto-regenerate on boss levels, even with BARRALAX.
I have uploaded gameplay videos of every level, all without spoiling any hidden DK Coins
http://www.youtube.com/user/mentholcase ... =da&view=u
The ZIP contains four files:
- DKC2 – Hard As Kongcrete.ups
- DKC2 – Hard As Kongcrete.srm
- README.txt
- DK Coin hints.txt
This project was made with the (U)(V1.0) version of DKC2:DKQ and patched with NUPS (http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/606/)
I sincerely hope you find the changes of DKC2:HAK challengingly fun and creatively inspiring.
Thank you and enjoy.
File History:
1.0.1 01/29/12 6:00PM PST - fixed level start coordinates in Arctic Abyss (thank you Cody/ArichDKC!)
1.0.2 01/29/12 7:40PM PST - fixed level start coordinates in Haunted Hall
1.0.3 01/30/12 7:00PM PST - modified a camera border in Arctic Abyss. also, in Jungle Jinx, the first pair of Zingers could simply be walked under
1.0.4 02/01/12 12:40PM PST - minor revision to Rambi Rumble
2.0 02/03/12 7:10PM PST -minor revisions to sixteen levels
2.0.1 02/08/12 1:30AM PST - addressed an issue in Caliginous Cargo (Lockjaw's Locker) (thank you ansujitsu!)
3.0.0 09/05/22 2:30PM PST - major revisions throughout
3.0.1 09/06/22 4:00AM PST - addressed an issue in Kleever's Kiln
3.0.2 09/17/22 9:50AM PST - addressed an issue in Screech's Sprint