More level summaries!

As there will be at least 33 of these created before too long, it's probably a good idea to have a board dedicated to the Level Info pages of DKC Atlas. Post your ideas in here!

More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » February 5th, 2013, 12:00 pm

Seems like this place has fell into quicksand. Perhaps a big breakfast has left ya sleepy? I can add descriptions and caps with ease, but the challenges will need a bit of brainstorming. I figured there's no need to split apart each level with multiple threads, so I'll leave it to this one for now.

I like writing these summaries.

Snow Barrel Blast

Into the Blizzard
Though the Kongs have gone far in their journey across DK Island, the dizzying heights and frigid waters of Gorilla Glacier make the lush canopy of the previous world seem like a distant dream. There is little time for dozing off, though, as the barrel cannons here will keep things at a busy pace. Even the locals can feel the difference; not a single enemy is lying around in this place! Swooping Neckys and angry Zingers are poised to give our duo a not-so-warm welcome.

I've got screencaps I used for the speedrunning wiki as well:
That crazy barrel boost.

Slipslide Ride

Paradise Froze Over
Lined with sparkling crystals, the mountain's caverns are a beautiful refuge from the blizzard outside. Unfortunately, Donkey and Diddy didn't come here for sight-seeing. A deeper look into the cave will reveal a treacherous labyrinth crawling with creepy Kremlings and other baddies. On top of that, the footing is poor and the ropes are slicked with ice! There's not much time to ponder the next move in these caves. However, a keen-eyed adventurer might spot a quick escape.

Diddy's having a rough time without his buddy.

Ice Age Alley

An Arctic Flight
Scaling further up DK Island's peaks has left the Kongs in a perilous spot. The blizzard has worsened, and an assortment of cliffs and ropes are all that stand in the way of a sickening fall. Luckily, ever-helpful Expresso lies nearby to offer an alternative route through the icy wasteland. Donkey and Diddy will have to hang on tight, however, as they must guide her through a nasty array of Mankys and Mini-Neckys if they want to see the other side of the mountain.

Speedrunning this stage would be a nightmare without my girl here.

Croctopus Chase

Gorilla Glacier's next level will take the Kongs underwater, but the aquatic life isn't too happy about it! Many Croctopi lie in ambush, ready to charge at any unwelcome guests. Some unruly natives are in on the nasty scheme as well. There's only one way to escape; and one wrong turn in these narrow, winding passages will leave the two with little room to kick their legs. Enguarde is ready to help as always, but he sits in a far corner of the stage. Passing him by just might be the wiser choice.

You might not like what's around this corner.

Gonna backpedal a bit to the previous world here:

Tree Top Town

A Callous Community
Running through the tree tops of Vine Valley might not sound like a fun romp, but the residents of this town sure know how to get around! The Kongs will have to rely heavily on the abundance of barrel-cannons if they want to get through this crazy community. The Gnawtys and Kritters here are a lively crowd. They'll take every chance they get to attack from above! Patience is certainly a virtue here, but if you don't like the long road, you might just be able to find an oft-missed detour.

I really do like the action shots.

Forest Frenzy

Jungle Fever
Donkey and Diddy get a chance to catch their breath, as only a lone Kritter is guarding the entrance. However, anybody quick to grab the ropes in Forest Frenzy will find themselves whisked directly into enemy territory. A massive congregation of Zingers have made this forest their home; and while they aren't aggressive, there isn't much room to squeeze by. You'll need to keep your wits about you to make it through this one safely.

Can't I just rest a moment?

Temple Tempest

Out-roll the Gnawtys!
Though one might find Temple Tempest's landscape a bit familiar, the ruins are hiding some spiteful creatures that will be quick to end your nostalgia. This isn't the first time the Kongs' have seen the wheel-riding Gnawtys. They clearly remember, too, as they're waiting to charge down the poor primates as soon as they walk by. The terrain is a bit ill-suited for escaping these reckless rodents, but they're no match for a certain quick-footed animal buddy.

We don't need no stinkin' rope.

Clam City

A not-so Concrete Jungle
Featuring pearl-shooting clams, large schools of fish and sharks galore, the waters of Vine Valley will pose a serious threat to the Kongs' aquatic foray. You'll need quick reflexes and tight swimming to navigate them through the busy inlet. Those with time to spare might want to keep a close eye on Clambo, who is guarding some valuable treasure along the way. He won't give it up so easily, though!

Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

I'm back! Sorry I was gone for so long. I never meant to abandon this. I feel bad about it. :(

Let's finish World 4, at least, to make up for it:

Torchlight Trouble

A Miner's Best Friend
Our duo's icy adventure has brought them to what appears to be an abandoned mineshaft. They'll soon find out, however, that the pitch-black caves still house a few gruesome enemies! Rescuing the small bird trapped in the caves will earn you a new friend with a very helpful lantern. You'll just need to step carefully around the locals — they aren't very fond of the light!

Diddy just wants to keep warm after being in the snow for so long.

Rope Bridge Rumble

A High Rumble
After surviving Gorilla Glacier's bone-chilling temperatures, the Kongs are glad to be back in the trees. The bees on this side of the mountain have a mean-streak, though. They'll fly just about anywhere to keep Donkey and Diddy out of their home! You'll need to reach new heights with the nearby tires if you want to pass them by — and perhaps even find a surprise above!

There's only one way you're gettin' across this bridge. Through me!

Really Gnawty Rampage

Quell the Rampage
Gnawty is back, and he is, well, really mad. This over-sized beaver jumps higher and more often than his predecessor. His impressive jumps are nearly twice the height of Diddy's. You'll need more brain than brawn to win this tussle.

Really Gnawty begins the fight the same way Very Gnawty did in World 1. However, the first time you plant your feet atop his head, he'll leap up to the top of the screen! After this, he'll start doing quick jumps across the screen that are tough to avoid. For each successive hit, he'll do an extra high jump before he starts his long ones. Since he jumps too high for you to reach him, you'll have to wait until he falls before you're able to hurt him again. With a risky, well-placed jump, however, you can hit him before he lands.

This rampage is tough to stop, but if you give Gnawty a bit of respect, you can out-wit him and claim victory with 5 clean hits.

Seated and ready for take-off!

Yo. It's time for World 5.

Oil Drum Alley

A Kremling Wasteland
Diddy and Donkey may have been expecting green on the other side of their beloved island, but the Kremlings have turned it into their own industrialized mecca! They've even given it a name! The first step into Kremkroc Industries brings the Kongs into an expansive manufacturing plant. Though it's not quite clear what's being produced here, the site is littered with silos and oil drums. Whatever it is, the workers don't seem to be doing tours!

Rambi is a crafty rhino, as he seems to have been able to sneak in with cargo. You'll need to scour the stage's lowest pits to find him. Keep your eyes peeled and your head low!

. . . or you can opt for the direct approach.

Trick Track Trek

A Perilous Ride
The foul Kremkroc industrial park houses some of the Island's deepest, most expansive caves. Unlike the mountains, however, these ones have most definitely been explored. Sparse scaffolding exists throughout the cavern, but a small mechanized platform serves as the only method of transportation. The Kongs will have to fight to keep their ride, however, as the baddies here will do anything to kick you off! It's a frightening scene, but the truly brave might find a quick route to safety.

"No, I won't fly you to the other side!"

Elevator Antics

Not Just Up and Down
A bit further outside the Kremlings' reach, these caves seem to be left intact at first glance. However, plenty of ropes are set up around the interior, so our duo aren't the first to arrive. Deep in the caves, you'll even find a series of automatic lifts made to cross the more treacherous pits. Yet the area is still crawling with Zingers and Slippas who don't seem too keen to give up their home. Just a friendly exchange and you'll be right on your way . . . hopefully.

Much to our speleologists' surprise, the mysterious caverns also house magical snakes and enchanted bees.

Poison Pond

It's Not the Poison. . .
Diving into the latest underwater foray, you may notice that things look a bit off. The waste from those awful Kremlings has turned this entire pond green! There seem to be a few hardy creatures immune to the toxicity — hopefully our heroes are, too! Maybe the locals just can't escape the minefield of nasty mincers zooming around the water. Make sure to pick up Enguarde to get past them safely, and check for any third arms before you leave.

Have fun with those. I'll just swim up here instead.

Mine Cart Madness

Suspended in Mid-cart
DK and Diddy won't get to dry in the sun just yet, as their next stop is through yet another chasmic cavern. After a bit of scaffolding, a mine cart waits for the duo, but its tracks are floating above the void! It'll be another bumpy ride, but don't buckle up, as the enemies here will do anything to keep you from staying in your seat. On the bright side, a couple of prizes await those who are willing to jump the furthest.

Well, we're already in the air; might as well go all the way

Blackout Basement

Don't Blink
In the deepest part of the Kremlings' industrial sprawl, a seemingly abandoned facility serves as the last major obstacle for the Kongs. Upon entering, it's easy to see why — or it would be, but the lights can't seem to stay on. These walkways clearly weren't meant to be traversed, as the pathway is heavily marred by pits and burning drums. There are floating platforms and ropes along the way, but you'll have to make your jumps count when it goes pitch black. At least there are no baddies sneaking around in the dark . . . right?

I have nothing witty to say now. Get me out of here!

Boss Dumb Drum

Run for the Hills
Finally out of the concrete jungle, Donkey and Diddy meet face-to-face with the menacing boss of World 5. Wait, does it even have a face?! Dumb Drum has a solid supply of nasties to toss at you, but he's a bit on the slow side. Keep out of the way and let him do all the dirty work.

Dumb Drum starts the fight by slamming recklessly into the ground, then dispatches a few minions to do his dirty work for him. Once the foes are defeated, he'll add an extra drop to his routine and release a different type of enemy than before. Diddy can run away and get the job done, but this fight is better suited for our bulkier hero. If you time Donkey's jump so that he lands on the first enemy as soon as it touches the ground, you'll be able to bounce into the second as soon as it's released. Just make sure you don't get caught in the corner.

The only boss dumb enough to kill itself for you.

So close to the end! Can I finish it in a respectable amount of time for once? :rant:

Tanked-Up Trouble

2 Monkeys per Litre
Even the murky depths of Chimp Caverns are a welcome change compared to the smokestacks and grime of the previous world. Sadly, the Kongs will still have to rely on technology to get to the heart of the island. Another automated platform awaits the duo in Tanked-Up Trouble, but this time, it needs a bit of sustenance to keep puttering on. An abundance of fuel cans dot the landscape, but you'll soon find that this gas guzzler needs every drop, and there's no way to ditch your ride this time around. You'll have to battle foes and stay on your toes, unless you want to find out firsthand what lies at the bottom of the void.

If only there was some way I could just fly out of here.

Manic Mincers

Mad Mechanisms
Leaving their ride behind, Donkey and Diddy discover a much more pristine cavern lying ahead. Though the stark beauty of this grotto is a bit offset by the presence of the largest collection of mincers yet. Rambi is poised for action not far from the entrance, but the baddies he can deal with are nothing compared to the circus of spikes and pits that await them. If you can manage to hang on to him, Rambi will help uncover some well-hidden secrets in the landscape.

Get back here, you little turd!

Misty Mine

The Fog Rolls In
The mines of Chimp Caverns are much quieter than the Kongs' previous excursions. The tranquility belies its real danger, however; lots of natural enemies are prowling the remnants of the mines, and the Dumb Drums lying around will ensure that there's no short supply. A handful of explosives are lying around to help you out, but you'll still need to bob and weave your way through the onslaught of enemies, lest you end up with a snake in your face.

They'll never get me up here!

Loopy Lights

Acrobatic Alligators
The airborne enemies of Misty Mine were tough, but this next area has some darker secrets in store for the simian team. A standing Klap Trap greets you upon entering Loopy Lights, but you might find it difficult to get around him. These subterranean reptiles are happy to see some new faces — so happy, in fact, that they're jumping for joy!

The nasties in this cave will leap whenever you do, so you'll have to be very clever with how you place your jumps. They won't give you much breathing room, either. Patience and skill are of absolute importance for getting through this bouncy brigade. On the "bright" side, at least you can control the lights.

It's now or never!

I think that was my favorite summary yet. :swanky:

Platform Perils

Not Just One Leap of Faith
The end is close, but the Kremlings' last line of defense is far more than an obstacle course. The super-strength Krusha at the beginning only sets the tone for what will come. You'll have to deal with dive-bombing Armys, angry Zingers and the toughest crew that K. Rool has to offer. It'll take every ounce of Donkey and Diddy's abilities to make it through this one alive.

There's very little ground to stand on here. Your main form of travel is the rickety platforms that cover the area. Take every barrel along with you, as you'll need them to guard against enemies from above. They are also required to dispatch the Krushas that guard the later platforms, as not even Donkey can overcome these beasts. Once you conquer this perilous path, there's only one boss keeping you from getting your revenge (and your feast, too!).

Maybe if I just say "please," he'll let me ride with him.

Necky's Revenge

The Flamboyant Elder
Only one enemy stands between our duo and K. Rool, and he seems to be making quite the statement. What kind of bird is this, anyway? Master Necky, Sr., may seem a bit softer than his protégé, but he's certainly hardier than his appearance suggests. He'll be tough to take down, but once you beat the bird, you'll be on your way to glory.

This Master begins the fight the same as before. Dodge his attack and land a swift blow to his beak. After each hit, however, he'll add another nut to the barrage. If you want to take him out as quickly as possible, keep track of his count and bounce on the tire right as he fires his last one. If you're too slow, he'll back up and repeat his attack. Just keep track of your hits!

Once you deal five blows, this bird will be down for the count. Afterwards, you'll have your showdown with the King himself. Don't let this flamingo-wannabe slow you down!


Gangplank Galleon

Exact Your Revenge
The final battle is here! Donkey and Diddy have traversed their entire island to make it this far. They've navigated jungles and climbed mountains; battled the cold and the heat; been stung, frozen, poisoned and nearly minced; all to make it to this scurvy croc's ship. Your voyage ends here — if you can stay alive!

K. Rool's favorite weapon is the crown atop his head. He'll pitch it at you as fast as he can, then rush you down as you try to avoid it. You can keep your distance and try to get over them both if you'd like. If you're brave enough to face him down, however, you can leap right over his attack and land a gorilla-sized bounce to the top of his head. After each hit, he'll add another, faster charge to his offense. You'll need three hits to the skull to make the King rethink his strategy.

Realizing that direct confrontation with a gorilla isn't in his best interests, the portly King will instead opt to fire cannonballs — directly at his own ship. It seems K. Rool is willing to go down himself if it means defeating the Kongs! After a wave of cannonballs, he'll attempt another crown toss. Land a bounce as soon as possible to give him second thoughts about his latest plan. As before, he'll add another wave to his attack after each hit. Three hits will put the King down on his deck!

After a short break, K. Rool decides he has a little more fight in him. Once he gets himself up, he leaps across his ship, trying to take Donkey and Diddy by surprise. You won't be able to out-jump the King, so keep your head down and let him pass over you. Once he tosses his crown, put all your weight on his noggin! He'll try a second and third round again, adding shorter jumps that are more difficult to sneak under. Just zip by him as fast as you can and keep your cool. The battle is almost over!

This leviathan lizard may seem hard to topple, but stand your ground and you'll be able to hold your own. Go toe-to-toe with the King and show him that these primates might be too much for him to deal with! Survive all three phases of his offense, and DK will reclaim both his Island and his bananas. It's all or nothing!

Ooh, that one looks delicious. No, don't squish it!

It looks like this Kong is due for a little break. :funky:

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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » February 5th, 2013, 3:51 pm

Thanks for the contributions — your writing is exactly what this neglected Atlas needs!

I would be proud to add your sensational summaries, and to credit you accordingly. :)

*adds them*

Note: You can see your contribution credit by hovering over the summary. :D

Snow Barrel Blast, Slipslide Ride, Ice Age Alley, Croctopus Chase
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » February 5th, 2013, 11:09 pm

With how much work was put into the pages for the beginning areas of the game, I'm surprised to see so many that are blank. I was so impressed when I first looked at the Jungle Hijinx page! If there's anything left for the site, I'd love to help out as much as I can.
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » February 6th, 2013, 1:39 am

Yeah, I must say there's a lot I want to be doing for the site at any one time, and one thing or another has always stolen my attention away from the level summaries... I do wish there were ten of me sometimes, so that I could be working on (nearly) everything at once. :P

I'm grateful to have your creative assistance. :)
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » February 6th, 2013, 2:45 am

Cool! Well, I wouldn't mind writing up the rest of them and maybe counting the lives and bananas and stuff. I really like that part of the site, so it would be cool to contribute more to it. Then we'll see what goes on from there. Haha.
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Shy Guys Stash » February 6th, 2013, 3:04 am

maybe you and I can get together and both work on this. Contact me on skype if your interested
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » February 6th, 2013, 3:51 am

Actually, SGS, I feel as though level summaries are best done by one person — to keep the style consistent.

Perhaps you could work on noting the unique 'features' of each level? Take a look at the 'features' section of the first few pages (Jungle Hijinxs, Ropey Rampage, Coral Capers) to get an idea of what to mention. :)
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » February 6th, 2013, 7:25 am

We can share ideas, Shy Guy. I don't use Skype, though. I was never a big fan.
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » February 16th, 2013, 1:53 pm

Bit of a bump to let you guys know that I've still been updating this!
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » February 16th, 2013, 4:52 pm

Worthwhile bump — I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. :P

*reads them eagerly*

Okay, they've all been added... thanks! :D

By the way, I've edited your original post, and have put the summaries I've reviewed and accepted in spoiler tags; this will help us keep track of which of your summaries are live on the Atlas, and which ones are waiting for their time to shine. ;)

So, please continue to add new summaries as you have been doing (and I do suggest that you post/bump to let me know when new ones are up) — and I'll spoiler the new ones as I attend to them. :)
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » June 22nd, 2013, 10:43 am

Welcome back, Hippie. :)

Great to see some new summaries from you; I'll put them on the Atlas promptly! :D
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby VideoViking » June 22nd, 2013, 10:49 am

Hi Hippie. Heard good things about you. Hope to read your summaries soon.
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » June 23rd, 2013, 11:18 pm

Added a summary for Really Gnawty in addition to section titles for all my previous summaries to match with the rest of the ones on the atlas. I'm not sure why I didn't really notice those before!
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » June 24th, 2013, 12:19 am

Possibly because not all of my summaries had titles... :huh:


At any rate, much obliged! I've thrown up the new summaries, and the titular amendments you posted — the Level Info pages are looking a lot more loved now! :D
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » June 24th, 2013, 12:57 am

Maybe I'll give DKC2 and DKC3 some love as well. I need an excuse to play through them again~
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » July 9th, 2013, 5:20 am

Sorry I disappeared again. After 70hours of work without any real break, I kinda started neglecting everything else. I haven't forgotten yet!
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Super Luigi! » July 10th, 2013, 5:02 am

Don't worry Hippie; I understand completely, as something similar has happened to me. Once you are rested, feel free to amaze us with your brilliance once more!
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » August 6th, 2013, 11:41 am

A bumpin' we will go~
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Qyzbud » August 8th, 2013, 6:03 pm

Thank you kindly, Hippie friend!

I've added them to the relevant pages, and am now reading them; yes, in that order — I've learnt to trust your way with words. ;)
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » August 9th, 2013, 12:23 pm

Ahaha. Now we just need some pictures and other things to liven them up a bit. The ones I linked were more for funny pictures at the bottom than the main ones with the photograph effect. Maybe I should go snap some simpler ones.
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Re: More level summaries!

Postby Hippie » January 24th, 2014, 6:59 am

:gift: :gift: :gift:

It was so warm during Christmas that I forgot which season it was. Now that I'm properly freezing, though, here are some more level summaries. :bleak:

edit: done and done.
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