Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:This is only in the Game Boy Color version that I know of
Actually, the SNES version has essentially the same midway area configuration:
- Croctopus-Chase-midway-arrow-sign-(SNES).png (18.41 KiB) Viewed 30603 times
Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:[...]but I found a strange exit sign in the smack middle of Croctopus Chase[...]
That's not an exit sign, it's an
arrow sign; exit signs (rather fittingly) have 'EXIT' written on them.
Here's the end of Croctopus Chase, with both the arrow and exit signs visible for comparison:
- Croctopus Chase end area (SNES)
- Croctopus-Chase-end-area-(SNES).png (53.03 KiB) Viewed 30608 times
So, although your terminology is incorrect, you draw attention to an interesting point - Croctopus chase has not one, but
TWO arrow signs! I'll have to check my maps to confirm, but I think this might be
the only level with two arrow signs. Fascinating.
I believe this is to prevent a player coming back at the star barrel and being disorientated. All other underwater levels use an arrow made of bananas to achieve the same effect - just with an additional boost to the banana tally.
- DKC-underwater-midway-banana-arrows-(SNES).png (65.48 KiB) Viewed 30608 times
As for why Croctopus Chase gets an arrow sign instead... who knows? Perhaps the designers thought it'd be cramped with the larger 'banana arrow' in place, so they opted to give this level an extra arrow sign for aesthetic reasons.