- 1. Lure the Knocka near a horizontal rope, then jump on it to calm it down temporarily. The rope should be next to you, not directly above you.
2. Have Kiddy carry Dixie. Stand where the Knocka is currently resting, and just as the Knocka is about to stand up, jump and immediately throw Dixie upwards. The Knocka standing up should interrupt Kiddy while he's waiting for Dixie to land. Once that happens, you have to move Kiddy to the rope next to you so he holds on to it. Now, when Dixie lands, Kiddy is pulled away from the rope to Dixie, and now Kiddy should be standing beneath the actual floor.
Not necessarily a helpful glitch, but it's a fun one to attempt. Since you're positioned lower on the terrain than usual, you can avoid Knocka simply by crouching, which is kind of funny since the Knocka will be constantly running above you, desperately trying to reach you. Also, I should mention that a similar glitch can be pulled off in Lakeside Limbo. By getting Ellie to an earlier part of the level with ropes and positioning her directly beneath a rope and jumping off of Ellie, you will be put back on Ellie, although you're also in this "lowered" state now. When jumping off of Ellie again, you can see that the Kongs are partially standing in the terrain again. You can get rid of this glitch simply by switching to the other Kong.
My guess is that the developers simply didn't tell the game what to do if a Kong is on a rope but gets pulled away by the team-throw mechanic. The same goes for the glitch in Lakeside Limbo: The game didn't know what to do if the Kong is on a rope but also in a position to mount Ellie, so it just messed around with the height at which the Kongs walk... for some reason.