Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

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Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Blaziken257 » January 5th, 2009, 5:28 pm

There's a trick that I discovered in Manic Mincers where you can get extra lives using Klaptraps. I first accidentally discovered this trick on the GBC version, and found that it also works on the SNES version as well. It probably also works on the GBA version as well, though I haven't tried it. Anyway, in Manic Mincers, there is a bonus that is right after a Krusha where there are three Klaptraps. It looks like this:


It's one of those bonus stages where you can keep jumping on the Klaptraps to knock bananas out of them. Well, I found that if you keep jumping on them without hitting the ground, you can keep getting extra lives if you bounce off of enough of them. Just jump on the any of the three Klaptraps, then jump on another one that's not flashing. Then jump on the third one. The first one you jumped on will no longer flash and you can jump on it again. Just repeat until you get a TON of lives. (This trick is similar to that extra life trick in SMB3 where you jump on Dry Bones repeatedly in World 2-Fortress, if anybody cares.)

Here's an old video of me doing the trick here (starts at around 0:34):

I mess up near the end, though, because the Klaptraps go too fast... Actually, I don't think I've ever done it perfectly...
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Re: Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Rodent » January 5th, 2009, 9:27 pm

I can't work that in the GBA version, but that's cool anyway. :D
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Re: Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Raccoon Sam » January 7th, 2009, 6:28 am

It's pretty cool, thought I prefer jumping on the Krushas, if you get what I mean ;)
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Re: Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Blaziken257 » January 7th, 2009, 4:55 pm

Yeah, I know what you mean. But for some reason, I still get amusement out of this. Plus, every time I do the trick with Krusha, I always inevitably lose Diddy Kong.
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Re: Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Raccoon Sam » January 8th, 2009, 2:51 pm

Blaziken257 wrote:Yeah, I know what you mean. But for some reason, I still get amusement out of this. Plus, every time I do the trick with Krusha, I always inevitably lose Diddy Kong.

Yeah, it is inevitable. But I wouldn't be crying over a loss of one life when you've got over a 100 in reserve :D
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Re: Getting extra lives... with Klaptraps.

Postby Qyzbud » January 8th, 2009, 9:15 pm

That's a sweet trick! It's always fun to exploit those baddies that are meant to be making life difficult for the Kongs. 8-)
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