Gameplay Tips & Tricks

August 20th, 2008, 1:17 pm
by Qyzbud
Anyone who knows of some good tips or tricks for
DKC can post them here.
Note: There are similar topics for DKC2 and DKC3Easy ways of defeating/avoiding enemies, and getting through tough sections of levels quickly and easily are good examples.
There will be a separate topic for posting
shortcuts, so don't post about actual shortcuts here.
Re: Gameplay Tips & Tricks

August 20th, 2008, 1:29 pm
by gamer_boy997
Run under blue bouncing kremlings (can be done in any level with blue bouncing kremlings, of course!)
There are many blue bouncing kremlings in Orangutan-Gang, Temple Tempest, Oil Drum Ally, etc. but these kremlings can simply be dodged be just running straight forward with Diddy Kong! Just be Diddy Kong, and run forward without stopping, you don’t need to even stop before these kremlings, because Rare made a little mistake where they jump at the right time, if you run constantly, they won’t get you. Donkey Kong can also do this, but he’s a little slower, so he has a chance of getting hit. I also found that if you’re riding Expresso, you can run under them from behind too. I don’t think you can run behind them with the Kongs though. This trick can help you achieve fast times.
You might be thinking "Well, yeah, just wait for them to jump, then go forward." However, you don't need to wait, just run without stopping.
Dodge Klaptraps and Slippas *umm... can be done in any level with Expresso, and Klaptraps and/or Slippas*
Simply walk across a Klaptrap or a Slippa and you will not get hurt by them. Don't jump on them though, or they WILL get you. This can probably be done with other enemies, add them if you know.
These tricks are kind of dull, so don't feel afraid to reject them, (same goes with challenges).
Re: Gameplay Tips & Tricks

August 20th, 2008, 2:10 pm
by Qyzbud
Expresso can generally walk over Gnawtys, too - so long as the ground's flat. Oh, and it's okay to jump on these baddies, as long as you do a single jump, rather than Expresso's extended 'fluttery' jump. When he flutters, Expresso puts his legs back, so his body ends up too close to the ground/baddies on landing. Just something I noticed when playing around in Orang-utan Gang...

Re: Gameplay Tips & Tricks

October 18th, 2008, 7:58 am
by gamer_boy997
In that case, if you post that trick, you don't need to give me full credit. Also, will you make a special board for factiles, mysteries, summaries, etc. just wondering, but making all of those boards can be a hassle.
EDIT AFTER BUMPING: I found a new trick for DK!
Re: Gameplay Tips & Tricks

August 23rd, 2012, 10:46 am
by Mr.Diddy
This is a glitch, but if you roll while jumping on an ennemy at the same time, you will keep rolling forward in midair. I didn't figure this out.