My DKC videos

Talk about the original Donkey Kong Country for SNES and VC.
The ports can be discussed in the DKC Ports (GBC, GBA) subforum.

My DKC videos

Postby Goe » June 4th, 2008, 10:14 pm

Hi mates:

I'd like to share my DKC videos with you. All of them are about glitches and hacks, and some of them are spectacular, i think.

The hacks were made using hex codes.

Enjoy. That videos were posted in youtube but i closed my account for personal reasons. Anyway, If somebody want to upload my videos in youtube, no problem

Here's the link:
Jungle Explorer
Bananas received 2
Posts: 135
Joined: 2008

Re: My DKC videos

Postby Goe » February 13th, 2011, 8:05 am

some years later, i have upload again my DKC videos to you have my channel:
Jungle Explorer
Bananas received 2
Posts: 135
Joined: 2008

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