007A21-007FFF (0x5DF bytes)
00FE81-00FFAF (0x12F bytes)
0174BA-017FFF (0xB46 bytes)
01F3E8-01FFFF (0xC18 bytes) Very weird data; pattern doesn't exist in version 1.2
02F7ED-02FFFF (0x813 bytes)
04FDB2-04FFFF (0x24E bytes)
08D9C1-08FFFF (0x263F bytes) Duplicate sound sample data from 7C030
0A6561-0A7FFF (0x1A9F bytes) End of bank containing graphics and tilemap of Vine Valley (1st Map); contains fragment of early graphics!
10E87C-10FFFF (0x1784 bytes)
13E1A9-13FFFF (0x1E57 bytes)
17FA3C-17FFFF (0x5C4 bytes)
18EED0-18FFFF (0x1130 bytes)
1CE9E0-1CFFFF (0x1620 bytes)
1DEC90-1DFFFF (0x1370 bytes) Early uncompressed Mine Cart Level Graphics
1FE186-1FFFFF (0x1E7A bytes)
21E8A7-21FFFF (0x1759 bytes)
22E58F-22FFFF (0x1A71 bytes) Padded with unused Puftup/etc. (Graphics)
24EC4F-24FFFF (0x13B1 bytes)
25F23B-25FFFF (0xDC5 bytes)
280000-28047F (0x480 bytes) Language Select Screen (Tilemap)--unused in U v1.0
280480-280EBF (0xA40 bytes) Language Select Screen (Graphics)--unused in U v1.0
280EE6-282465 (0x1580 bytes) Unused jungle foreground trees (Graphics)
282466-282665 (0x200 bytes) Unused jungle foreground trees (Tilemap)
282666-287A49 (0x53E4 bytes) 30 unused D.K. sprites
28E5B8-28FFFF (0x1A48 bytes) Padded with Mode 5/Mode 6 Graphics: EOPRS, Nintendo Logo
29E2CC-29FFFF (0x1D34 bytes)
2AD145-2AFE9E (0x2D5A bytes) 16 unused Cranky walking sprites
2AFE9F-2AFFFF (0x161 bytes)
2BE1B4-2BFFFF (0x1E4C bytes)
2DE076-2DFFFF (0x1F8A bytes) Padded with unused text
2FE8EA-2FFD47 (0x145E bytes) 4 unused Queen B hurt frames
2FFD48-2FFFFF (0x2B8 bytes) Contains a fragment of early 8BPP title screen graphics!
31EAE5-31FFFF (0x151B bytes)
32F152-32FFFF (0xEAE bytes)
33F908-33FFFF (0x6F8 bytes)
357D92-357FFF (0x26E bytes)
35FE0B-35FFFF (0x1F5 bytes) End of object code bank
38A17E-38A1E1 (0x64 bytes) German level name pointers--unused in U v1.0
38A246-38A507 (0x2C2 bytes) German level names--unused in U v1.0
3979DE-397FFF (0x622 bytes)
39E145-39E344 (0x2C2 bytes) Early Jungle Palette
39FF65-39FFFF (0x9A bytes)
3AE09F-3AFFFF (0x1F61 bytes)
3BB154-3BC7FF (0x16AC bytes)
3BF790-3BFFFF (0x870 bytes) End of sprite pointer bank--could be used for additional sprite pointers (five hundred and forty more, but only 323 can be used due to hitbox pointers)
3C35CA-3C5839 (0x2270 bytes) German dialogue text--unused in U v1.0
3C5C4D-3C7FFF (0x23B3 bytes) Could be used for custom sprite graphics
3CFB4B-3CFFFF (0x4B5 bytes) End of object palette data bank (40 custom palettes could fit here)
3D72D0-3D7FFF (0xD30 bytes) Padded with unused text
3DFFDC-3DFFFF (0x24 bytes)
3EEF51-3EFFFF (0x10AF bytes) End of animation script bank
3F6261-3F7FFF (0x1739 bytes) End of bank containing graphics and tilemap of Kremkroc Industries, Inc. (2nd Map)
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