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Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 6:12 am
by asmodeus
I was thinking of that this forum should look more like DKC style. And such a forum has got a lot of icons for read, unread, hot, mine and many more. I thought of that we could use barrels, as there are a lot of different barrels in DKC, for that. I have made many images for that. What do you think?
(103.44 KiB) Downloaded 1774 times
Here's the zip for those who can't open rar
(104.39 KiB) Downloaded 1731 times

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 2:21 pm
by Gnawzooka
I can't open RAR on this computer.

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 15th, 2009, 10:35 pm
by Qyzbud
Those are pretty good, asmodeus; you have a knack for sprite/graphic work. Thanks for making these... they are certainly good enough to use, so when I get time, I'll see how I go replacing our current icons. Nice work!

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 16th, 2009, 12:02 am
by asmodeus
Gnawzooka wrote:I can't open RAR on this computer.

Okay. I've posted a zip file in my first post now, too.

Qyzbud wrote:they are certainly good enough to use, so when I get time, I'll see how I go replacing our current icons. Nice work!

It should be quite easy to replace them. There should be a directory in the php directory "styles->prosilver", the style this board uses, "->imageset". You can just copy them into it, or you can copy the style "prosilver" with another name where you put these images into.

If I find the time I will also try to make some other color schemes and new buttons.

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 16th, 2009, 12:27 am
by asmodeus
Here is another image for the online status. Now it's clear that the small star means "online" :D.

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 16th, 2009, 6:49 am
by asmodeus
And here are some forum buttons, which belong to "[stylename]/imageset/en".
(24.71 KiB) Downloaded 1658 times

They all have a size of 150x24. These buttons are included:
-New Topic (with a Diddy balloon)
-Locked (barrel with a kremling head)
-Delete (barrel with a red "X")
-Edit (checkpoint barrel)
-Report (!-barrel)
-Quote (simple closed barrel)
-Post Reply (barrel with a green "+")

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 8:04 pm
by diddykong
These are awesome :D , Do you know when they can be added? Mabey you could make some smileys also, with a slight donkey kong theme. For example the mad one could be a vibrating TNT barrel.

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 18th, 2009, 9:01 pm
by Gnawzooka
You know, DKC based smileys could be pretty cool.
For example:
Sad: Image
Confused: Image
Annoyed/Disappointed: Image
Laughing: Image

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: April 19th, 2009, 12:24 am
by asmodeus
What's about normal, maybe smaller, sprites out of DKC? For example the map faces of Donkey, Diddy, Cranky, Wrinkly, Candy, Funky, Dixie and a Kremling? Or all the collectable items (life balloons, coins, bananas...)?

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: September 6th, 2010, 5:05 am
by CrankyMan
Those icons are awesome!

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: September 6th, 2010, 6:28 am
by Jomingo
Cranky Man, you need to stop bumping old topics with nothing to say. If a topic is over a year old and you have nothing more to add, don't post.

Re: Barrel Icons for read/hot etc., look here

PostPosted: September 6th, 2010, 10:32 pm
by CrankyMan
Ok. Sorry.