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Re: favourite game of the trilogy

I'm also surprised by the popularity of the third. All three games had some beautiful levels. My complaint with DKC3's is the theme. DKC's were mostly the great untamed wilderness. DKC2 alternated between wilderness and civilization, doing both wonderfully. DKC3 had to combine the two too much. As a...
by Saladin
September 16th, 2010, 4:24 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: favourite game of the trilogy
Replies: 27
Views: 56222

Re: The Donkey Kong Country Level Builder

Hey, I'm not here for theft or for credit or anything like that. I just want to see the project completed sooner.
by Saladin
September 16th, 2010, 1:49 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2175832

Re: The Donkey Kong Country Level Builder

Do you need any help? I wouldn't know about working with a GUI, and I'm working an unusual schedule, but I've done ROM hacking before. I could put in a few hours here and there trying to figure out whatever you don't know about the ROMs.
by Saladin
September 15th, 2010, 7:56 am
Forum: DKC Level Builder
Topic: DKCLB General Discussion Topic
Replies: 541
Views: 2175832

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