I think It could be possible if the MP3 file was downgraded in quality to a RAW file format, and then in some way import it to the ROM. But you would need to know a lot of ASM programming to do all this job. Not easy in any way. You should also know that SNES SPC music is stored as MIDI-ish format ...
Hello, do you know if it is compatible with Win7 x64 in anyway? I tested out the latest engine and didn't work (it freezes at "Generating level files" and caused a memory overflow), even if I put the "Windows XP SP3" compatibility mode :/ But anyways I think you've progressed a l...
I do really expect a new version of this DKCLB, the progress seems really good But just take your time It's a pretty decent program specially with NitroGUI
Hello everyone (; I'm EliasYFGM, but everybody knows me as Yoshi-Fan GM or Elías (I'm also a huge fan of DK and obiously DKC/DKL series :D). Well, I play a lot DKC and DKL. I'm currently working with a hack of DKC1, using an Hex-Editor for changing objects and some stuff, and I'm going to use "...