Raccoon Sam wrote:You can also turn the controller upside down.
Sockpuppet wrote:OK, the project is no longer... uh, "sleeping." And to prove it, here is a WIP of Forest Interlude! Still needs a lot of work, but at least you know I haven't abandoned it already.
BigDonkey101 wrote: It's a shame that they did not put him in the game.
Swing King wrote:No no no, Kerozene is obviously Kleever.
Sockpuppet wrote:IBut a lot of beer ads are really good.
Kong-Fu wrote:diddykong wrote:Are the coloured sprites done with hex editing and then you rip them from the game? Because i could do that.
No, changed the hue in GIMP. If I could do that, I would've made the Insanely Gnawty blue.
Raccoon Sam wrote:How does Chinatown wars affect Nintendo's position as a first-party developer and publisher?
Besides, Chinatown wars did great. Good reviews and it's a fun game.