Reviews, reflections, rants and other such writings...Review Overview
An article by Jomingo
3 June '09
DKC Atlas Reviews
This is a guideline to our review policy, grading scale, and all other important bits of information.
There are three conditions in order for a game to be reviewed:
1) The game must be considered relevant enough to DKC Atlas.
2) The game must be important/ anticipated enough for us to review it.
3) One of the Staff members be willing to write up a review.
Our Grading Scale:
We have a more simple grading scale than some sites. Games are given a score out of 5 possible. No decimals either, just nice clean integers. We feel this makes it easier to score titles, as we don't have to try and differentiate two titles with similar scores. Of course, you must read the review to understand it's score.
Other things of importance:
1. Remember, all opinions expressed in these reviews are that of the reviewer, and in no way signify the opinion of the site in general.
2. If you have any complaints or suggestions, please post in the appropriate thread on our forums, and don't message any of the staff members about it.
3. Have fun!
- by Jomingo -
This article was written by a DKC Atlas Forum staff member. All opinions expressed within this article are those of the writer, and are not necessarily shared by DKC Atlas, or the DKC gaming community.